The Calling

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I'm walking down the lonely road and someone is calling my name from the distance. It's like they're in pain and want me to help them but when I go running closer to the voice, it fades leaving me confused as hell, and when I look around; I'm trapped in a maze and I can't find a way out, my head is spinning and echoes of different horrible voices are following me. My eyes opened and I was panting and sweating realizing I was having that same dream, well more of a nightmare. For the past two years, I've been having this same weird dream. There hasn't been a single day without this nightmare. I checked the time on my nightstand and it was 12:00 AM. Soon my phone started buzzing making me jump a little. I saw all these messages from a bunch of people realizing it was my birthday. Which I totally forgot.

Happy birthday!!! Saying loud enough to make me jump out of my bed, my mom entered the room. "Thanks, Mom," I said rubbing my eyes feeling the headache, probably because I couldn't sleep well last night as if I sleep properly the other nights. I wonder when this nightmare will leave me alone. My mom noticed I was zoned out and asked "What's wrong?" I said "Nothing" and shrugged. Then I noticed her concerned expression and I said "Nothing, that same nightmare again." This time she didn't speak just a cold wave of expressions crossed her face and she nodded "Mhm." Nothing else, not even a single word which made me think what's wrong? She never did that before, she always comforted me. What changed now?

"Mom, are you okay?"

"Ah time just flies, doesn't it?"

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

"Your calling!"

"My calling? What do you mean?" I asked with confusion.

"The dream you've been having is your calling to The Midnight Town and now that you're 18 it's time you go there." She said with some weird expressions which I couldn't read.


"Yes, Emily my darling listen to me very carefully. You are not any ordinary girl, you are a very special girl who comes from a very rare bloodline."

"Mom is this a joke because it's not funny."

"Do I look like I'm joking? Honey, I'm serious."

"Yeah and I'm Sirius Black," I said rolling my eyes and chuckling sarcastically.

She went out of the room signaling me to follow her which I obeyed, and followed her with full of curiosity. She went to the storeroom and picked up an old book from the top shelf which, to be honest looked like thousands of years old. She cleaned it and gave it to me. I cluelessly held it in my hands and stared at it like an idiot.

"What is this?" I asked raising my brow.

"The secret of our bloodline," She answered with a proud voice.

"Mom, what is this can you please explain? I'm so lost." I said hoping she'd explain.

"Um look at it! Can you tell what is written here?" She questioned.

"Uh, Αυτό θα σας φέρει δύναμη και θα σας οδηγήσει σε υψηλότερο δρόμο which means: This shall bring you the power and lead you to a higher path." I read fully shocked at how I did it.

"Oh, dear lord you can read it. I knew you were the one." She said excitedly.

"I'm what and what is this book?" I asked feeling lost.

"This is the family book of The Midnights. We are The Midnights this book is passed to the chosen ones. Every once in 100 years a chosen one is born in our family. My grandmother was the one and now you, my beloved daughter, you are the chosen one."

"What in the hell is this?"

"The dream you were having is your calling The Midnight Town needs you. Something is coming you must go there and protect them."

"Protect who? WHAT DO YOU MEAN PROTECT THEM? I AM JUST A GIRL WHO CAN'T EVEN PROTECT HERSELF!" I shouted without even realizing it.

My mom held my hands calming me as she said "Emily you are capable of great things, you have great strengths which you're not aware of but you will be. You must prepare yourself."

"Why are you telling me all of this now? I mean why all of a sudden, why not early?" I questioned.

"Because now is the right time. You turned eighteen today. I wasn't sure earlier but now I'm because you can read the book without any difficulty. No one else can read it to us it's blank. You will get your powers, your strength exactly when the sun will set." She said proudly.

"OH, MY GOD! This is too much to process. I still can't believe it." I said feeling mixed emotions.

Then she took me to a place where I have never been before. A lake between the mountains. She wanted me to stay there until sunset. I was still in doubt, didn't want to believe her but a part of me was screaming that she was telling the truth. So, I decided to see what happens at the sunset. We stayed there the whole day it was a pleasant day. I enjoyed being out in nature. The time passed slowly as if time knew I was waiting for the sunset, to see what will happen so it passed slowly on purpose. I lay down on the grass feeling the cool breeze and warmth of the sun on my body. It was so pleasant that I fell asleep.
Soon a strange sensation in my body woke me up. My fingertips were tingling and my eyes felt new like they were replaced with the better ones, way better ones. When I opened my eyes fully I realized the sun is setting and all my senses were enhancing as if I'm becoming a superhuman or something beyond that. I could feel the adrenaline rush in my body. I was totally unaware of the situation, what was happening to me? But I ... felt good, so good like I could do anything at any time. When I looked at my mother I noticed every tiny detail of hers even in the dark. I was so surprised because she was standing so far away from me.

When I begin to walk towards her I was so fast that I ran to her like a storm, I couldn't stop myself, to which I was so confused and nervous but my mother was so happy to see it all happening to me. Like she knew better than me. Felt like it was a dream of hers to see all these things happening to me.
I could see in the dark, I was running like a storm even when I was trying to walk like a goddamn human. What else I could do?

"Mom, you were right," I said totally surprised.

"Mom is never wrong honey." She said amusingly.

"I can see clearly in the dark and Run so fast! What else can I do?" I asked.

"I don't know, everyone has their own unique powers. You gotta find it out all by yourself." She answered.

"Now what?"

"Now you go to your calling." She said looking a bit sad. "I'm a bit sad, my baby is going away from me."

"Away? Aren't you coming with me?" I asked fully confused by the situation.

"No, Emily. I can't go with you even if I want to. Only the chosen ones can go to The Midnight Town. My mom was sent away when she turned 18 for her safety because she wasn't the chosen one and I couldn't go either, only the chosen ones can live there." She said sadly.

"What am I going to do there? I know nothing, Mom!" I almost cried.

"The book will help you. It will guide you. All the secrets are written in it. I can't read it because I'm not you know one of you, only 'the chosen ones' can read it." She said, looking a little sad.

"Do you know where this town is?" I asked.

"No, but it's written in the book. I told you it will guide you." She said.

"Uh okay it's so weird a day ago I was a normal girl and now all of a sudden I'm this human with strange abilities," I confessed my thoughts.

"I know honey, life is full of surprises." She sighed.

Then we both went home and I couldn't do anything but overthink the whole situation.

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