Waking up

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I woke up having the worst headache ever. Soon I realized I wasn't in my room neither on my bed nor in her arms instead, I was on the couch where we were drinking and talking last night. Memories of the last night flooded in my head and I came to know I somehow fell asleep on the couch. None of it was real, it was a damn dream. "Ugh! I hate it." I said to myself. "What do you hate?" I heard her voice behind me which startled me and turned my face into a red tomato. I had no idea she was standing behind the couch. I couldn't look her in the eyes.

"Emily what?" She squinted.

"W-what?" I said acting stupid. 

"You're hiding something." She pointed at me.

"Noooooo." I said like a kid.

"OMG YES, YOU ARE!" She said it as if she knew me better than me.

"No, I'm not." I pouted hoping she'd drop it.

"Okay, I uh didn't wake you up last night because you finally fell asleep and I didn't want to disturb you otherwise I would have taken you to your room."

"You could have just teleported me there."

"Hah yeah but I was afraid, I might wake you up."

"Awe I'm glad you didn't because I had an amazing dream after ages, or else I only see that nightmare. I might sleep on the couch more often." I said hoping to see more dreams like the one I had.

"What is so special about this dream? What did you see?" She was looking at me without breaking eye contact in hopes of getting the right answer out of me.

"It's just I'm glad to see a normal dream instead of that nightmare." I could feel the blood rush on my cheeks.

"You know I can tell when you're lying plus your face is so red right now anyone can tell that you're a bad liar." She said and laughed a little.

"This might be my way of expressing happiness," I said trying to cover myself.

"Em I won't bite, don't think of me as your teacher, think of me as a friend." She sounded sincere.

"Yeah, I know." That just turned my mood off. After what I saw which felt so real; here she was telling me she is my teacher. I mean did she really have to mention that? Anyways I got up and went to my room to take a shower. I needed to feel good.

The day was pretty long and drastic all I could think about was that dream. Whenever she'd look at me I'd look somewhere else. She knew something was going on but she didn't push me to tell her which I was grateful for. "Thank God you're not nosy," I thought to myself. The whole day during practice all I could think was when I was gonna sleep again. The only thing I was looking forward to was sleep so I could maybe see another dream or maybe the same dream again.

"You're awfully quiet today." Said, Alex.

"Just wanna sleep that's all." I lied but it wasn't a complete lie though.

"Great warriors don't think about sleep while fighting on the battlefield." She mocked me.

"Good thing I'm not a warrior nor fighting any battle," I said to which she just laughed and rolled her eyes.

"You're funny." She said.

"You think I'm funny?" I asked, knowing I'm not funny at all.

"Yes." She nodded and smiled.

Days started to pass quickly and I was ready. She trained me within a month, whereas Mark told her she had two months to train me. I couldn't believe how skilled she was. I mean she literally could do anything and whatever she did, looked so professional. She was really skilled and experienced. She told me she started practicing magic when her mother died because she wanted to bring her back but she couldn't because that was against nature and magic rules.

She polished me and turned me into a better and skilled person. Company really does affect you. I could do anything, I felt so powerful; with every passing day, my powers were increasing. Now we had a month but I was already ready. I was more skilled because we practiced in the mirror world where time doesn't pass. I had no idea about the mirror world and time being frozen there. She introduced me to a whole new world. We'd practice there for several days but the time would be the same when we'd return to the real world. I was grateful for mirror world too because I got to spend more time with her. I knew she felt something for me I could tell; The way she reacted to my silly jokes or flirted with me, those signs were enough. I decided I'd talk to her or make a move because I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted her but I was also afraid of losing her.

One evening we were walking on an empty road in the woods. No, not on that dangerous road it was another road that led towards the mountains. She stopped walking and looked at me. The golden hour's light on her face dammit she looked breathtakingly stunning. 

"Emily..." She said looking into my eyes.

"Yeah?" I replied not breaking eye contact.

"Uh, My dad will fight with you. It will be a test to see if you're ready or not. You must pass your test." She stated.

"Did Mark say he'd fight with me?" I asked.

"Yep." She answered.

"Okay then, I'm more than ready," I said excitedly.

"You must be careful he is one of the most powerful guardians of The Midnights." She said looking a bit concerned about me.

"Are you worried I won't survive the fight? Do you doubt your teaching methods" I teased her. 

"No, I don't doubt them but I care for you. I don't wanna see you getting hurt." She said looking so concerned about me and her tone was so genuine and sincere.

"Aye don't worry, I won't fail you," I said looking into her beautiful ocean blue eyes.

"I know you won't because you act and fight like a leader. I don't know what is it about you but you are different than the rest of the people I have ever met here." 

"So, you are saying I'm an outsider?" I asked.

"I don't know! You act like both outsider and insider, which is really confusing" she said and shrugged.

"I confuse you?" There comes my flirting trait which is natural and I can't help it.

"Yeah but in a good way." She smiled.

"That's good, isn't it?" My hopes were getting high.

"I guess so." She smiled again and looked at the ground.

"I like being with you," I said blushing.

"Me too." She replied smiling to the ground.

My God, she was smiling the whole time. The tension between us was so thick, I wanted to kiss her so badly. 

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