Sneaking out.

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Everything was surreal. She was so happy to see me. I felt like I was at home. As if I was on a run for many years and then fate finally brought me back, home. It was so unreal. It's been a week here in the royal castle, I must say I felt so special. The special treatment was spoiling me but again it is the perk of being a royal you know. 

I missed Alex so much I wanted to meet her so I asked grams if I could go out and she said yeah. I was like what? I can???? And she was so chill about it like yeah girl you can ... but with guards. Perfect! Now, this royal treatment, I didn't like. I wanted to go alone, I could take care of myself but again she didn't know this or maybe she did because clearly, Mark was like her bestie who told her every fucking thing. Like, come on man spare some things for others to tell her. Anyways I refused to go out with the guards and decided to stay in my room if you know what I mean.

I was alone in my room and I knew nobody will try to come into my room or try to find me so I teleported to Alex who was meditating up in the air in her basement. I watched her for a few seconds and then decided to surprise her so I shouted "You look hot in those yoga pants." and she fell on the floor. I couldn't stop laughing, but suddenly I felt bad and asked her if she was okay, she nodded and shoved my arm playfully. "You scared me! Who does that Emily?" She asked with fake angry expressions on her face but she started laughing when I pouted. She grabbed my face and kissed me "I missed you so much" Said Alex. "Me too" I replied and gave her a peck on the lips. 

"You know we never got a chance to talk about you." Said, Alex.

"Um yeah I wanted to tell you everything but you know Mark," I said and shrugged.

 "Tell me everything. I wanna know everything about you, you know I have been curious since the day you came." 

"Yeah, and I think you had the idea all along that I'm not from here."

"Duh! You literally acted like an alien it was obvious." Alex stated.

"Eh, I tried you know."

"Yeah, you really did." She said laughing.

"Come on give me some credit." 

"Okay, now tell me! I'm dying to know how you got here and all because we all thought there won't be a new heir to the throne."

"Okay, so my grandmother; daughter of the current queen, escaped."

"How? We thought she was dead."

"Well, grams, or should I say great grams helped her escape this place and made sure that no one finds out about her. She told me that she visited her until her last breath which is a shocker to be honest because we had no idea or maybe my mom knew and she didn't tell me I don't know. Anyways My grams survived and married an army officer, gave birth to my mother, and told her the secret which we are not supposed to tell any human but she told her anyway in hopes of her becoming a Midnight. Even if she is human but trust me she knows so much and I never had any clue until my 18th birthday. I had been having the same nightmare for some time but when I told her I had the same nightmare but with some more details, she immediately knew I turned. So, she took me to the attic and gave me a book, and asked if I could read it. It was a foreign language to me but I read it anyway with fluency like it was my native language. She then told me that I turned and that book is my family's secret book; A grimoire." I took a pause.

"Interesting! Is that the same nightmare that kept you up that night?" She asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Okay continue." She said giving me her full attention.

I loved it she was listening to me with her full attention and she seemed so interested even if it was a boring story. I'm sure she had more fun stories to tell instead of listening to my dry-ass story but she listened anyway which meant she cared about me and that made me so happy. 

"Okay, so she asked me to have it, give it a look. At first, I thought she was messing with me but then I came to know that it was all true. She was not messing with me, she just dropped a bomb on me on my 18th birthday that's all." She laughed at it but kept listening quietly. "She took me to a place to practice magic at sunset. I got so many powers like strength, speed, night vision, and whatnot."

"So cool."She said.

"You are acting like you are a normal girl who is listening about magic and magical powers for the very first time." I shook my head.

"What? It's interesting! Keep telling me, don't stop."

I laughed and continued.

"I showed her my powers and my mother got so happy like when a kid gets their favorite lolly," I said and she smiled like a kid at this, "Then she asked me to read the grimoire and learn how to do magic and all and I did as she ask me to. The very next morning I went to the same lake without telling her and spent the whole day experimenting with my powers and learning a few spells when in the evening I got home she was pissed and worried about me. First, she asks me to explore then she gets mad if I do what she asks me to. Mothers are so strange!" I said and then realized that I might have hit a sensitive point there and I looked at her. She did not give me any reaction but her eyes said it all. "I'm so sorry Alex I didn't mean to." I apologized. 

"No, silly it's okay. My mom was the same way. They get worried, it's their nature." She said and smiled at me. She was so brave. I could never be like her. I smiled, nodded and hugged her, and continued the story.

I ended the whole story with every little detail possible and she listened to me until the very end. She was the best listener. I actually felt great after telling her the whole story. Now she knew everything about me and I was relieved.

"You did have a great childhood and there I was thinking for a moment that you didn't."

"Sorry about that, I wanted to tell you so bad."

"It's okay Em, I understand." She said and squeezed my hand.

"Her touch can cure anything even bring back the dead ones." I thought and smiled like an idiot because to me it was true.

"Alex, why don't you come and visit me in the palace?" I asked.

"I will real soon I promise but I will come as a master." She answered.

"You taught me! You already are one." I almost screamed.

"Whoa relax! It doesn't work like that, I have to participate in the ritual and the fire will reveal to us who is the new master. Well, there will be seven new masters just like there are seven guardians-" She was explaining but I cut her just like every time I do.

"What ritual and how the fire will reveal that?" 

"Well, That isn't any ordinary fire, that fire has been burning since the first Midnight was born. Nobody could figure out why but that's our sacred fire which does marvels." She told me.

"I can't wrap my head around it. What are we, is beyond me I swear to God. It feels like all the movies and shows I've watched weren't fictional at all" I said shaking my head.

She just laughed and said, "It's okay. It's all new to you that's why. You will get used to it." 

"I hope so, or otherwise I'd kidnap you and escape this strange magical and mysterious town," I said playfully and she blushed. Dang man I had some kind of effect on her. Okayyy.

We had spent quite enough time together which never felt enough but still, it was getting late so I went back and nobody was there. Perfect!

"Mission accomplished successfully." I proudly said to myself.

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