The bonding.

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I woke up next to her feeling like I was in heaven. The sunlight on her face, God! she looked stunningly beautiful. I could die right there!  

"Good Morning!" She said with her eyes closed.

"Morning!" I said and realized I was staring at her like a creep.

"Did you sleep well?" She opened her eyes and asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I did. Thanks!" I replied with a warm smile.

I was lost in her ocean blue eyes. God, she was so beautiful I wanted to cry. 

"What?" She asked lifting her left brow.

"Nothing," I mumbled blushing hoping she won't notice it.

"Tell me what is it?" She said in an amusing way.

"It's just I haven't slept this well in a long time all thanks to you."

"Awe it makes me sad but happy at the same time because I could help." 

"Thank you!"

"Oh don't mention it, I'm happy I could help."

"You are so kind."

"I'm really not, but I try." She said with a strange expression on her face that I couldn't read.

"What are we doing today?" I tried to change the topic.

"Well, first we're getting out of this bed then breakfast and after that, I will teach you some spells, and last but not least I will train you how to use your sword." 

"Busy day I see."

"Yep! Get your ass up and get ready."

She ordered me and went out of my room. I took a shower and went into the kitchen, she was already there waiting for me at the table.

"Wow! You made all of this?" I said fully shocked.

"No silly, It would've taken me an entire day making all this." She said chuckling.

"Yeah, that's why I was shocked," I said laughing.

"Why sweat it when I can snap it." She said with a wink to which I laughed.

I nodded and sat, we ate and talked about random things. It was like I could talk to her about anything and nothing would feel odd as if we had all the time in the world.

After doing some Harry Potter wizardry which, to be honest, was so cool and I enjoyed doing it. (It was like I knew every spell and every possible way to do it which made Alex wonder even more about who I was) She taught me how to use my sword. Its blade only appeared when I used it for my defense otherwise it was just a grip. It was so cool.

"Your sword looks royal and so much more powerful than the rest of The Midnights." She said admiring my sword.

"Maybe I'm a royal." I shrugged and smiled.

"Yeah, sure." She laughed.

I just smiled and pitied myself for not being able to tell her who I really was.

"Hey, Alex would you be mad when I tell you who I really am, or you might get to know it from someone else before me?" I asked her wondering what would be her reaction.

"Uh no because I know you want to tell me but you can't and it's okay. If my father wants your identity to be a secret then you must be someone important and it's totally fine with me." She replied calmly.

"How are you so wise?" I wondered.

"Well, losing a parent can make you wise." She said with a sad expression.

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