Other Side - Part I

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Mark and I were standing next to Alex looking at her condition, she was almost healed, but she was not saying a word and it was killing me. "Alex please say something you're making me so worried," I said to her. She looked up at me and didn't say anything for a minute which felt like an eternity and finally, she spoke "My mother is alive Emily. I don't know how to feel, I don't know if she has become the monster or not or what if she was that monster because that thing attacked me when I was in one of her memories. I was connected with her at that moment and all of a sudden I was attacked." I looked at her and shook my head "No, Alex that monster wasn't your mom. Your mom loves you and she will never do that, she can never hurt you. That was the fae that is trapped in the maze with a magic spell and it had access to you because you were connected to your mother at that time." I tried to make sense to her. She looked at me the whole time and nodded "Yeah, you are right my mom could never." "Yeah, she would never," I assured her. Then she hugged me and Mark, we hugged her back. Mark didn't say a single word and that felt kind of strange to me but I knew deep down he was thinking the same thing as Alex.

Grams summoned all the ancients, thousands of years old, the most powerful 60 Midnights came and gathered in the hall of the royal palace. Mark took their attention and said, "Sarah Jean, Queen of The Midnight Town is going to address you all on a very serious matter as you all know, otherwise you would not be here all together on such short notice." Grams came out in her true form which surprised everyone even more and whispers started, they all began to talk to each other. Some of them were saying this must be time. I thought to myself "They all knew and were waiting for this day not bad huh."

Grams took a deep breath and said "I think now you all have the idea why I have gathered you here. The Inevitable has come. Today the last fae of The Dark Knights tried to escape that maze, which means he is powerful enough to dodge our spell. Now, we all must prepare ourselves and go end him." They all agreed with her and were more than prepared they all came into their true forms. Mark told me that the old Midnights are more powerful than the young ones. They become more and more powerful with their age.
I questioned Mark "It means they can kill him easily right?", "No, they all have their fears and he feeds on the fear which means there are chances of him becoming more powerful because when he feeds on someone's fear it makes the person so vulnerable, and him powerful" He explained. "What do we do now? Is there any spell that can end the fear?" I asked. "There is one spell but Alex discovered it." He replied. "Okay, I will go ask Alex," I said and ran toward Alex. "Alex! Alex! Come here." I kinda shouted. Alex ran towards me looking worried "What happened?" She asked. "Mark told me you discovered a spell that can end fear. We need that spell because that fae feeds on fear." She looked at me and smiled "Smart but it doesn't end the fear exactly it kind of protects you so you don't feel any fear because you know you're shielded plus that spell needs power and would not last for long enough. Average two Midnights can cast that spell only for 10 minutes, it kind of creates a shield around a person to protect him from any attacks or anything like that." She explained it to me. "Oh, so I would have to cast that spell alone because your father said I'm the most powerful Midnight ever," I said feeling smart. "No, I can't let you do that that's way too dangerous you won't be able to hold it for long enough." She panicked. "Don't worry, I know I can do it," I assured her. "Just teach me the spell and promise me you will let me protect you." I said to her "Okay and I promise." She promised, cupping my face.

She taught me that spell and to be honest it wasn't that difficult I learned it quickly, and casted it to test and it worked. I was glad I didn't have to cut my hand after that test fight with Mark. My true form made me powerful.

I went to the hall where they all were and I announced that I was going to be their shield and told them that Alex taught me a spell and she knows a heck lots of amazing spells. They all agreed on me being their shield and gave Alex the grandmaster position after I told them how powerful and smart she was.

Mark told Alex to be ready to fight and explained to her the whole thing and what actually happened there. She wasn't afraid or shocked which made me proud of her. Alex hugged me, promised me to be herself no matter what, and went where the army was she was going to lead them with the other two grandmasters.

Sixty ancients, three grandmasters, seven guardians, and two royals were going with an army of 369 midnight soldiers. "It's not like you gotta shield the whole town." I gave myself a pep talk.

Only the selective ones were going and nobody else knew what was going to happen. We didn't tell anybody so they won't be scared because their fear will make him powerful. But we did tell a few soldiers the spell and ask them to be ready to tell everybody else to be ready too if we fail to take him down. Always good to have a backup plan.

We headed toward the maze and I casted the spell, "Timoribus Angustos" and a shield surrounded us all. 

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