Making up

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It has been two weeks since I was acting strange with Alex Turner. I didn't know how to act around her but our training was going perfectly fine. I would practice with her, eat with her and then straight go to my room. We had almost finished every spell and we just practiced the fighting techniques. Her sword looked so fancy oh my god. I mean mine was royal but her sword matched her personality.

We had a fighting match. We fought with spells and swords together. We fought in the air and while fighting something took over me and my sword sent laser beams about which I was unaware of. I wasn't myself while fighting. I fought like a pro. Which shook Alex and me too but I didn't show it.

"Damn you really are special you fight like how they used to tell us stories about the most powerful royals." She was shook.

That was the first time she talked to me like she used to, also she initiated the conversation and now I had to reply but my dumbass couldn't think of a reply.

"Oh really?" I said without thinking.


"You have been acting strange Em. Is everything alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm just focused on training and everything you know." I lied thinking she's been quiet too.

"You have been awfully quiet too Alex." My response caught her off guard.

"Uh, I thought you didn't want to talk to me." She said looking at the ground.

"And why would I want that?"

"I don't know you tell me. You are the one who has been acting strange." She said playing with her hands.

"Okay, I won't act strange anymore. I was just focused that's all."

"Fair enough." she smiled.

We both didn't answer the main question which meant she was also having feelings for me but wasn't admitting them. The thought of her liking me back made me so happy but I did not want to get my hopes high because they often lead to disappointments.

"What do you want to eat today?" She asked me.

"Um surprise me with your favorite dish?"

"Perfect! I will make it for you." She said with a huge smile.

"Really?" I asked surprised.


To which I smiled wholeheartedly.

She was making something in the kitchen which I wasn't allowed to see until it was ready so I took a shower, and changed into a good outfit I wanted to look good for some reason. Who am I kidding I wanted to look good for her. So I put on a good outfit, dabbed a little makeup and got ready to eat dinner. I looked into the mirror to see how I looked then I took a mirror selfie and sent it to my mother asking how I look? To which she replied quickly "Stunning." Which boosted my confidence even more. So, I went downstairs. She was setting the plates.

"Oh hey, you look so beautiful." She said while staring at me, she didn't even blink.

"Thanks." I blushed to which she smiled.

I noticed her she was also looking breathtaking. So she also got ready. It felt like a date or maybe it was kind of. 

"You look amazing Alex."

"Thanks, Emily."

"I was about to call you; The dinner is ready."

"So am I," I said laughing which made her laugh too.

"Sit and close your eyes. I'm going to serve you."

I did as she instructed me. She brought the dish to the table and asked me to open my eyes.

"Oh my god, grilled steak! Oh, I love it!"

"I'm glad our interests match."

"You have no idea how happy you have made me. How do I thank you?" I overacted trying to hide the redness on my face.

"Just eat." She laughed.

"Okay, ma'am." I mocked her which made her blush. Gosh, she blushed.

We started eating and exchanged a few words.

"Good lord it's so tasty. You have magic hands."

"Duh?" She snapped her fingers which released little amber of red magic and she laughed like a kid which made me laugh too because she literally had magic, I'm so dumb.

She must have noticed my face so she tried to cheer me up.

"You know the spaghetti you made I'm so in love with it. I still remember the taste of it. That was pure magic."

"Now you're just returning the favor."

"No, trust me."

"I do trust you," I said to which she just looked into my eyes and didn't say anything but smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing it's just nobody had said this to me in a long time."

"Don't you have friends?" I asked.

"I do but some of them are married and some are very busy so we kind of grew apart." She said sadly.

"Well don't worry, now you have me," I assured her.

"What if you also leave me like them?" She asked sadly.

"I won't. I give you my word." I promised.

"I believe you."

"As you should."

"You will leave me I won't go anywhere,"

"Stop I have nowhere to go."

After that, we just laughed a little. I couldn't understand my relationship with her one minute we were friends the other minute we were flirting and then we don't talk for two weeks. It was all new to me. My powers my identity, my relationship with Alex; even my feelings for her, everything was new to me.

We talked for a while and then I went to my room. Changed into a loose shirt and pajamas. I hit my bed but I couldn't sleep. The thought of her mother going into that maze after listening to some voices and me having kinda same nightmare connected a few dots. Maybe it was her mother who was appearing in my dreams maybe she was alive.

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