Getting caught.

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My door opened and my great-grandmother came in. I went towards the bed acting like I was coming out of the washroom.

"Not so fast." She said and did a hand gesture to stop me. "Yeah, grams?" I acted dumb. "I can sense when somebody does magic." She stated. "Wow so cool." I wasn't going to admit it so easily. "And I know when someone sneaks out." She said in a firm tone. "I thought only Darknights could sense magic." I tried to change the subject which worked. "Yeah but so can we if we increase our powers. They were born with this ability but we have to develop it by practicing it. By the way who told you about them?", "Uh, Mark! Who else would? I wasn't going to let her read my mind or tell her anything which was surprisingly working. "What else he told you?" She asked looking a bit concerned. "Nothing more just about that creepy road and that possessed maze by some weird creature." I filtered the details. It was true though, even if it was half true. "Are you tempted to go there?" She asked with so much curiosity in her voice. "No, not really but that maze calls me for sure." I replied. "Calls you?" She questioned. "Yeah, I have been having dreams for a long time about that maze, it's like that place is calling me." I explained. "No, it shouldn't be happening." She panicked. "Why what's wrong?" I asked finally hoping to know the exact reason. "Because that creature is not some ordinary creature. He is a fae who feeds on fear. He is the only one left from The Darknights and nobody should know this." She explained and I just nodded. "So what does that mean and why can't it happen?" I asked. "Because it means he knows you're the most powerful midnight ever born and now he is calling you. He wants to fight you but you are not ready yet. I can not let you go. This is not good, I will fight for you and my people." She was so worried. "Hey relax grams! I'm here to fight and I will fight for you and our people, as you said I'm way too powerful." I bragged hehe, she shook her head and rolled her eyes "No, you don't understand. He feeds on your fear and makes you live through your worst nightmares." "It doesn't matter I have already lived through them, nothing can make me weak now," I said. "How so?" She asked. "Well, Mark's daughter Alex taught me every magic spell possible and all the techniques to fight, and then I had a test fight with Mark in which he tricked my mind and trapped me into my worst nightmares." I took a pause she was listening very carefully. "Then?" She asked. "Then I felt so helpless that it enraged me so badly and it changed me, I turned into someone else after that it's been so easy to turn myself," I told her. "Oh, can you do it right now?" She asked looking a bit shocked. "Yeah," I said and changed myself just by closing my eyes and thinking about it. "Wow, you are way more powerful than I imagined." I smiled at her comment. "It took me years almost half a century and you did it without even trying that's amazing! Wanna see me change into my true self?" She asked and I nodded. She snapped her fingers and changed into a dark green suit more like black with neon green lines. She looked like a goddess. Her powers were green; truly iconic just like her. "Wow, you are a goddess!" I said unexpectedly with my eyes wide open. She smiled and said, "Look at you." Then we both smiled like kids showing off our powers. It was amazing.

She turned back to go out but I said "I'm sorry that I sneaked out. It won't happen ever again." She stopped and looked back at me and gave me a nod, she turned again moved two steps, but then stopped again "I don't want any funny business, Emily you are going to be the next queen. This is not appropriate behavior for a princess who is going to be a queen." I nodded and didn't say anything. I mean she was right, I was behaving like a child but I was a teenager can you blame me? Anyways she went out and I went to sleep.

"NO NO NO! ALEX PLEASE DON'T GO THERE! I CAN'T LOSE YOU!!!!" I was screaming and pleading Alex to come back. "I can't leave my mom alone in there Emily I was only living for this day. I will rescue her no matter what." She said and ran toward that maze. I ran after her without thinking. We were running and we fell into a never-ending black hole. I tried to reach for Alex so I could hold her hand and save her but I couldn't.

I opened my eyes suddenly and saw that I was in my bed and it was a nightmare. Which almost killed me. I drank some water and collected myself together. "God I don't even wanna see a dream like this," I said to myself.

I began to think that how in such a small amount of time Alex has captured my heart. She means so much to me, it scares me how much I have fallen for her. It was strange, it was beyond me.
I fell for her the moment I saw her. I felt a strong connection with her as I knew her already. Every fiber of my being sworn of knowing her already. It was like my soul and body remembered the warmth of her touch and ached for it for centuries. It was all beyond me to explain.

A few months ago I was just a normal girl living her life and everything changed in a snap. "Emily my dear this is how things change," I said to myself.

The next day I asked Grams to go and meet Alex I told her that she taught me magic and I wanted to talk to her and ask about a few things and I told her that she is my friend. I didn't want to freak her out. She gave me permission but she sent a guardian with me. Seriously grams? SMH!

I went with Chris (the young hot guardian, might I add) He was way too young I mean Mark looked a bit mature, you could tell he looked like a guy in his 30s which he definitely wasn't; dang people here age so slowly. Well, I initiated the conversation. "What's your name? You look way too young to be a guardian." I asked and said without thinking, god why am I like that? "My name is Christopher but I prefer Chris and I have no surname which I'm grateful for and yes I'm young because I'm new." He answered in his attractive voice. Was I attracted to him? No, I was just amazed by the Greek gods, dammit everybody looked like one. "Well, you are a Midnight so technically your name is Christopher Midnight," I said thinking lol I'm so funny but he didn't laugh. RUDE. Anyway, we arrived at Mark's house. He stayed outside and I went in to see the love of my life. I knew she would be in the basement so I went down, there to surprise her; I had in my mind that I would hug her from behind but when I went there I saw a black shadow choking her to death I changed without evening realizing and held whatever that thing was from its throat, it looked at me and said: "I was waiting for you." and disappeared into the thin air. I ran toward Alex and held her into my arms, caressed her back, and said "It's okay, I'm here I won't let anything happen to you." and kissed her head. She was shocked and so was I. "Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded. "What was that?" I asked politely. "I don't know." She replied blankly. "How did it come here?" "I-I was trying to relive the memories with my mom and out of the blue it came and choked me and asked me about you, I tried to fight but I couldn't I was so afraid. I don't know why I was afraid that thing had that effect on me." She explained. I instantly knew who he was. I ran towards Chris and asked him to call Mark at the palace. I took Alex with me and went to the palace to tell Grams about it. 

When I reached the palace everyone was gathered there already I asked Grams and Mark to go in a private room with me so we could talk. They knew something was up. They led the way and I followed them only the three of us. They went into a huge room and I closed the door making sure no one is around. They looked worried and they both asked at the same time "What happened?"

"He came out of that maze," I said and I saw terror in their eyes. "How do you know?" Mark asked. I took a deep breath and explained the whole event that took place a few moments earlier. "She is alive." was all they said and looked at each other. "She definitely is," I said.
"We must prepare ourselves, I will call all the ancients." Grams said and I nodded. "I'm going to check up on Alex," Mark said and left in a hurry and I followed him as well.

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