New turn

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After a blissful night, we woke up in heaven; I mean in each other's arms. Her beautiful soft, silken blonde hair cascaded on her naked shoulders, and her gorgeous face made her look breathtaking.

After admiring her like a total creep I decided to get out of the bed and get ready to meet Mark. Plus, I was so hungry, last night drained all of my energy. If you know what I mean.

Got ready to meet Mark and he dropped a bomb on me and Alex. He told me that it was time to meet my great-grandmother. Can you imagine meeting your great-grandmother? Yeah, me neither but it was happening. I didn't want to leave Alex. I wanted her to come with me so I requested Mark but he wasn't letting it happen, I thought to myself "He sure is a hard nut to crack." and to my surprise, he replied "Yes, your Highness I'm." in a proud tone. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. "Y-y-you can hear my thoughts?" I asked fully shocked. "You think so loudly anybody can hear them." He laughed. "OH MY GOD, YOU CAN REALLY READ MINDS?" I kind of screamed in shock. "Yeah, only a few midnights can do that." He replied calmly like it was no big deal, invading someone's thoughts wasn't a big deal to them. "You people are strange, I swear to God," I shook my head and said. "What? You are one of us," he mocked me. "Can Alex read minds?" I asked Mark, looking at Alex, hoping he would say no because if she could, then all my creepy thoughts... oh my lord, I can't even imagine that. But he said, "No," along with Alex. I thanked God she couldn't; otherwise, I wouldn't be able to look her in the eyes. 

Mark told me to prepare myself mentally to meet Sarah Jean, aka my great-grandmother. To be honest, I just wanted to be a part of his family instead of my own. His daughter had my heart, my soul, and all my love. I couldn't care less about this town or my status or whatever family drama it was. I just wanted to be with Alex.

When I was ready to go I hugged Alex and told her that I don't want to go away from her and I could care less about this town or its problems but she said "Emily, My mother died to help the people of this town, She died for this town and I can also die for my people and my home. So, if you want to be with me you have to tell people who you are and you have to fight for us. You will always find me by your side; in every battle." I was speechless so I just looked at her and nodded. She kissed my forehead and gave me a peck on my lips.

"So I guess this is goodbye?" I stated while looking into her eyes.

"No, It's a new turn," She smiled, never breaking eye contact.

"Will I get to see you after this new turn of my life?" I asked.

"You can meet me whenever you want," she said and kissed my hand.

"You promise?" I asked, like a kid.

"Cross my heart," She nodded and crossed her heart with her index finger.

I hugged her and then parted from her, which broke my heart into a million pieces, to be honest. She was the only one who had this effect on me. I wanted to cry so loud even though I should not be feeling like that because I could meet her whenever I wanted. Just a teenage love what can I say. 

I was quiet, the whole way to the castle. I did not say a word. Everything seemed meaningless. I was not ready for this "new turn" but I had to be because I had no other choice. My mom and Alex both wanted me to be this way so here I was. We entered a long driveway that was so magical that it screamed magic. The guards knew Mark so they greeted him but I was a new face to them so they asked him about me, when he told them that I was the new heir to the royal throne they looked at him in a funny way as if he was joking and they were waiting for him to tell them that he joked but unfortunately, it was true every word he said was authentic. I looked at their faces and said to myself "Same fellas same." They all were shocked so they brought a  grimoire the same as mine but a bit different and opened a page with a sigil I knew the rest so I cut my hand and dropped a few drops of my blood on it. The sigil lit up and rings of purple energy aura covered me and pulled me up into the air. They all bowed down and turbulent bells started to ring so loudly that I legit was going to be deaf if it lasted one more second. I came down to the ground and asked them to stop doing that. I did not like when they bowed. I said, " Don't do that, please stand erect you all are The Midnights and Midnights don't bend." They stood smiled at me and led us to the queen.

I was shaking I had no idea what I was going to do or say to her or how I was going to act around her. Mark must have seen me shaking so he held my hand and assured me by saying "Hey, it's gonna be alright, don't worry she is chill I promise." I squeezed his hand looked at him and nodded. We were walking through a long corridor with so many doors as if it was a never-ending path to the queen. I remembered that I can run fast like a bolt of flash so I questioned Mark.

"Why can't I just run fast to her? I don't wanna walk this much."

"Show some manners you can't just run in a castle on your way to the queen. There are some rules and we respect them and the queen."

"Jeez, relax why are you lecturing me I just wondered why? Now I know it. Simple."

"You better know and learn all the rules as you are going to be the next heir to the throne."

"Aye aye, captain." I winked and saluted him.


"Okay okay."

A big door opened and a beautiful room came into my view. I was shocked to see the room but Mark was chill, obviously, he was chill because he's been there so many times. My jaw almost dropped but I acted cool. I didn't want them to know how shaken I was. 

There she was on her royal throne. "God, why is she so young!" I thought to myself. She stood up from her throne and said "Magic." with a huge smile on her face and came to me. Her eyes were full of tears she held my face in her hands and said "I knew someone would come one day." and made a hand gesture to signal the guards to leave the room. The guards left immediately. Now it was just us and Mark. Mark was her most loyal guardian and a childhood friend that's why he was there with us. She trusted him with her life. That was when I knew why Mark called her by her name when he first met me. 

"How did you know that someone will come one day? I thought you didn't know that your daughter was alive."

"I knew she was alive I was the one who sent her out to her world. I visited her until her last breath."

"What?" It shocked the hell out of me.

"How come we didn't know about any of it?"

"Because humans can not know about us. Your mother is also a human."

"Oh! Now it makes sense but my mom knows!!!" 

"Well, that is because my daughter had a firm belief that her daughter or someone from her bloodline would be a midnight."

"I guess she was right."

"You look like her." She said with watery eyes.

"And you exactly look like my mom," I stated.

She just gave me a smile and hugged me that was a long hug I must say, but it was a hug filled with love. I could feel it. 

Well, it was better than I expected.

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