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"How am I supposed to save you if you won't say anything?" I questioned.

"Alex must have told you about the Dark Knights." He said.

"Yeah, she did. She told me you guys literally killed them and ended their race."

"Yeah well, it's not entirely true."


"Yeah, when our people killed them they buried their bodies in that maze. One of them did not die but they spelled the maze with a trap spell which can not let anyone come out and then they left him there to rot for eternity but he became so powerful."

"How did he become powerful?"

"He was one of the faes who fed on the fears of others. He used to feed on any person who'd walk by that maze, even from half a mile."

"Does he only feed on humans or us too?"

"Literally any living being even the birds or animals."

"Did he kill your wife?"

"I don't know if she's dead or not." He said in the most defeated tone.

"It's been years how'd she be alive?"

"She was the bravest woman I've ever seen in my entire life. She feared nothing and she's just trapped in there, she can use her magic. You know she was one of the 7 guardians that is why she went after the voices to help them, to save them but ended up making the biggest mistake of her life."

"I'm so sorry Mark."

"Me too."

"We should save her. Does Alex know?" 

"No, nobody knows. They think there is a monster there."

"You should tell the people. They should be prepared for the inevitable."

"No, this way some of them will be scared which will make him so much more powerful. We can't take that risk and Alex should never know about it. If she knows she will try to go in that maze to save her mother, I can't lose her too; She's the only family I have left now."

"I understand, I won't tell anybody," I promised.

"You better don't." 

I nodded agreeing. The shock made me calm and I forgot that I was so furious and was about to kill Mark for making me see the most painful thing that I never wanna witness. They are the most important people to me. No one can harm them. Not even in my imagination. 

"By the way congratulation on your true awakening. You are in your real form now."

"Thanks but what is this costume how did I change into it?"

"It is not a costume. This is your true form. You are so much more powerful than you actually think you are Emily."

"Okay. Are there more tests or stages whatever you wanna call them or should we go back?"

"No, you passed all the stages. Let's go back."

We arrived back and Alex was waiting there for us. She was happy to see us but then her jaw dropped and suddenly she bowed down to me. I rolled my eyes and said, "Don't."

"Alex please don't." I hated that she bowed down to me.

"I knew you were special, you always gave me royal vibes."

"Yeah, but I didn't even grow up in a royal environment."

"But you have royal blood and your DNA knows how to act like one."

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