The Inn

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I awoke to the sound of metal. I sat up and looked over and saw Geralt fastening his armor. He looked over at me.

"Morning." I stated as I grabbed my weapons, putting them back on. He didn't answer. I fastened my belt tightly and put my bow over my shoulder.

"You ready?" Geralt asked. I nodded. He helped me onto his horse and got on beside me. We made our way back to the trail, in silence.

We made our way into town. People were moving out of the way as we rode through. I never really rode a horse before, so it was interesting to see what it was like on one. It was a quiet ride, he didn't talk much.

"Whoa, Roach." Geralt commanded. We were in front of what looked like an inn. He got off his horse, and helped me down. He looked towards the inn a moment then he looked back at me.

"You have a home here?" Geralt asked.

"I don't have a home anywhere...honestly." I replied. His eyes showed signs of understanding and empathy. He stepped towards me.

"Stay here, I have some business to tend to there, I'll be back." I nodded at him. He left and went back the way we had come. I waited for him, and after close to an hour, he returned, with a covered creature, which I quickly recognized to be the creature he slayed, on Roach's back. We then walked to the direction of a bar.

"Wait here." He stated. I walked over and leaned against the wall. He walked past me and went into the inn. I heard a bunch of commotion die down upon his presence. I leaned on the wall outside the door. I heard everything that was going on in there.

"What'll it be" I heard a female voice ask. I presume she was the innkeeper.

"Point me to the alderman's house." I heard his gruff voice command.

"It's down the alley to the left - "

"Isadora." I heard a voice stop her. I heard footsteps then I heard a man's voice.

"We don't want your kind here, Witcher." The man said. I felt anger for Geralt. He's not bad. I don't understand why people treat him this way. .

"The alderman, tell me where he is and I'll be on my way." I heard Geralt say.

"You don't give the orders around mutant son of bitch." A different voice insulted Geralt. I stiffened. I felt the atmosphere grow even more cold, and silent.

"Hear that? Go." The first man said. "On your own, or at the end of a rope. Your choice." he continued.

"Not a hard choice." I heard Geralt say.

"Yeah, fuck that." The man piped in.

" Kill him with your bare hands if you have to." I heard the first man say. I heard commotion. I tensed. They're going to try to kill him! I took my bow off my back and grabbed an arrow out of my quiver, nocking it on my bow.

"Come on Witcher. You're not scared of us, are ya?" The second man taunted. "Show us what you've got." He continued. I prepared myself for a fight. I'm going to defend him, no matter what. He doesn't deserve this treatment.

"Can you not leave it alone for a moment?" I heard a female voice say in an annoyed tone. There was a moment of complete silence. Shortly after I heard the first man say,

"Witchers can't be trusted."

"I'm not speaking to you." The woman said. "I apologize for my man's interference in your day." She continued. Another bit of silence occurred.

"Hopefully he can improve his behavior by tomorrow's market." She stated.

"Sorry, Renfri." I heard the second man say. "Come on lads." He continued. I heard some commotion and some conversations started picking back up. I breathed a sigh of relief and put my arrow back in its quiver and put my bow back on my back. I leaned back against the wall.

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