The Attack

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I awoke to Geralt sitting up, putting on his clothes. He noticed me stir and reached his hand out to pull me up, which I took.

"Good morning Geralt." I said, to which he smiled.

"Morning, (Y/N)" He said, before putting on his armor, as I put on my own clothes and cloak. I strapped on my shoes, before putting on my bow and quiver. As I bent down to pick up my pack, Geralt touched my back, causing me to stand in which he pulled me to a kiss.

"Well, someone is in a better mood." I said, with a slight chuckle. He smirked.

"Well, being with you tends to do that." He said simply, causing me to blush a bit, which didn't escape his notice.

"What are we doing now?"

"Going to the next town over, seeing if we can't pick up a contract."

"We need to restock supplies."

"We'll have to do some of that on the way, it's a decent walk, even on Roach." He stated simply. I sighed, knowing well what that means. I hate the traversal between towns, especially with the monsters or bandits. He chuckled.

"I'm a Witcher, I'll keep you safe you know." I smiled, and he kissed me once more before gathering his belongings.

"Yeah, I know, but it's still annoying" I huffed while gathering my pack. We made our way out of the inn, Geralt stopping briefly to pay the innkeeper, and we left. We got on Roach, with me in front of him, leaning against him. By sunset we had made it only a fourth of the way to the next town, so we stopped to make camp. As Geralt took the saddle and bags of Roach, I made a fire. He rolled out the bedrolls, and laid a saddlebag on each one to use as a headrest. He leaned his sword next to his bedroll, and sat by the fire. I took my bow and readied an arrow, leaving to hunt.

"(Y/N)...wait." He said, causing me to quickly turn and walk towards him. As I approached, he held his hand out, which I took.

"Be careful...don't go too far."

"I won't." I promised, leaning down and giving him a kiss. As I pulled away, I noticed concern etched on his face. "I'll be fine Geralt, I can stick atop the trees if need be." I said, trying to calm him.

"I know. But I'm still going to tell you." He said. I gripped his hand a moment before letting go and leaving to hunt. I made my way into a thicket of trees, and moved slowly, my cloth boots helping me to stay quiet. I had an arrow knocked in my bow, ready to use. I found tracks of a deer, fresh, and juvenile. I followed the tracks until I found it by the stream down low. I looked around to make sure there were no monsters lurking nearby and then I got behind a bush, though I accidently broke a twig when it got caught on my cloak. The deer looked up and around, and I stood still, hoping it didn't spook. After a moment it went back to the water, but a bit on guard. I raised my bow and loosed the arrow, hitting my target right in the heart. A clean kill. I looked around once more to ensure that it was safe before moving towards the deer. I pulled my arrow out, wiping it on my pants before returning it to the quiver on my back. I took out my knife from its sheath to begin to skin it before I heard a twig snap, and footsteps coming closer, quickly. I tried to get an arrow on my bow but whatever it was hit it away. I didn't get a look at the creature, nor did I try to, so I turned toward the way I came and ran. As I headed up the hill, the creature grabbed my foot and I looked down at it. Grotesque was an understatement. It was horrid looking, with almost swollen skin? It had big eyes, black, and almost looked like a fish. It was humanoid but had a fin from the top of its head to the bottom of its back, and a mouthful of sharp teeth. I kicked at it hard, hitting it right in the nose, but it didn't let go and bit my leg, causing me to yell out in pain and I kicked even harder, trying to just get away. It let go and I scrambled my way up the hill, it close behind. I turned towards it pulling out my knife, as I was tiring, running out of time and energy.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Geralt yell. I readied my knife, preparing to stab it as it drew closer, but Geralt grabbed my arm, pulling me away from the creature, and cut off its head with his sword. My breathing became labored. I couldn't quite take a breath. My leg hurt immensely, and it was the only thing I could feel. Geralt pulled me up the hill and back to the camp, laying me on my bedroll. He was worried, and quickly gathering things from his pack. He also grabbed his waterskin. He opened the waterskin and poured some on the bite, and it burned so bad I cried out.

"It's bad, (Y/N), but I'll get you fixed, I swear it!" He growled out, furious and frantically trying to help me. He pulled out some bandages and he wrapped around the wound, tight so I don't continue to bleed, and he packed everything quickly onto Roach, hoisting me on her, and getting in front, leaning me against him. I could keep my eyes open, nor did I have the energy for anything, and the pain almost made me lose consciousness a few times.

"Stay awake (Y/N), don't fall asleep on me....please..." He said, making me worried about myself a bit. Is this it? Will I die? He spurred Roach into a sprint, heading towards the next town. I could no longer stay awake, he shook me every now and then, and called to me, but no matter how hard I tried, I finally succumbed to the darkness that overtook me, drifting off, but still completely aware of pain.

1050 words...a shorter one i know but a precursor to the next. I hope you guys enjoy!

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