The Bard's Request

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As I made my way downstairs, I saw Jaskier sitting at a table, almost in the middle of the tavern, and he was writing. I made my way to the bar for a mug of mead. I took a drink and grimaced at the bitterness of it as it slightly burned down my throat. All of a sudden, a man covered in blood came into the tavern and sat down, of which people stopped their conversations and a woman approached and asked him what had happened. He grunted and shook his head, taking a drink of some mead before he started. He was the merchant who asked Geralt to help him, for the selkiemore was plaguing his ships, causing wares to go missing, it was simply difficult to tell with all the blood all over him.

"I tell you no lie, it swallowed the whole village, it did. Not a bone to be found! Oh, don't give me that look, shitling. That's why we had to call him..." The merchant said to a teen that shook his head, as he stood up, clearly involved in his retelling. "The White Wolf! And he stood in the middle of that frozen lake like he knew it was coming for him.The ice cracked open and a selkiemore shot out! Oh, you've never seen one, but it'd take down a ship with its cavernous mouth full of devil's teeth!" He paused looking at the crowd that had gathered around him. He seemed distressed as he continued.

"And it... swallowed...that witcher...whole!"

"Oh, this is brilliant!" Jaskier said, clearly excited by the man's story, as he was writing it down in his book. "Oh, sorry. It's just Geralt's usually so stingy with the details. Uh... and then what happened?" He urged the him on.

"He died." He continued, as he bowed his head, clearly traumatized by the ordeal.

"Eh... He's fine." Jaskier said, quickly shrugging it off, and even though I felt the same, I still felt uneasy at the idea.

"Look, I was there.I saw it with my own..."

The door opened with a loud thud, and coming through was Geralt, covered in gore.

"See? Oh, What's that stench?" The merchant asked as he approached.

"Selkiemore guts." Geralt said, "Had to get it from the inside. I'll take what I'm owed." To which Jaskier started up his song with the crowd. Geralt saw me, making eye contact, and made his way through the tavern, all the while the crowd was stepping away due to the horrid stench. He stepped to the bar, to the right of me, and dropped the bag of coin and his sword on it.

"I'm glad you made it, despite...this" I said, gesturing to his whole body. He gave a small smile in response which was quickly gone as Jaskier approached. I handed Geralt the mug of mead, which he took a drink of and immediately spit out, handing it to Jaskier, who just...drank it? Odd, but that's Jaskier.

"You're welcome. And now, Witcher, it's time to repay your debt. 'What debt?' you're probably asking yourself in your head right now. Well, I'll tell you. I've made you famous, Witcher. By rights, I should be claiming ten percent of all your coin, but instead, what I'm asking for is a teeny, teeny-weeny little favor."

"Fuck off, bard."

"For one measly night of service, you will gain a cornucopia of earthly delights. The greatest masters of the culinary arts crafting morsels worthy of the gods. Maidens that would make the sun itself blush with a single comely smile. And rivers of the sweetest of drinks from the rarest of..." Of which I rolled my eyes and started to walk away, and Geralt followed.

"Fuck! Food, women and wine, Geralt!" He called out, causing me to turn to Geralt, curious of his response, of which he looked at me and turned.

"Well, maybe not the women for you, though I'll certainly be enjoying it, but food and wine?" He said, clearly excited. I headed upstairs, kind of excited about going. As I got in the room, I heard...and smelled...Geralt behind me. The basin had been refilled with hot water, which Geralt quickly got undressed and walked past me, lowering himself in, to which I looked away...blushing. He grunted as he sat in, leaning back.

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