The Night of Passion

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I heard a grunt that woke me up. I looked up from the basin I had rested my head on and Geralt stirred. He woke up and looked around. His eyes landed on me, before moving to Triss.

"Your scars. You heal quite nicely. Your will to live is strong." Triss said, stepping closer to Geralt.

"The princess?" He questioned, visible concern on his face, something not seen too often.

"I've arranged for her to stay a while with the Sisters of Melitele."

"Her neck?"

"She'll heal, too." There was a moment of quiet, and Geralt was fiddling with the bandage on his neck. I looked at Triss as she took a step towards Geralt. "You should know; Foltest issued a statement." Triss began. "The honorable Lord Ostrit gave his life to slay the vukodlak. Miners are gathering ore for a statue." Geralt grunted in response.

"Anyone else would've killed the princess. You chose not to." She said pointedly.

"I'll take my coin now. I need to get back to my horse." He said, standing quickly. His refusal to say anything to her piqued my curiosity, but I'm certainly not going to say anything while we're not alone, especially with how uncomfortable he seems to be.

"(Y/N) means a lot to you. Hers was the only name you uttered over and over in your sleep." Triss pressed. He glanced at me for a moment, and I saw clear irritation, and he seemed a bit embarrassed.

"My coin." He said, gruffly, clearly trying to get out of this conversation.

"So that's all life is to you? Monsters and money?" Triss questioned, continuing to press him.

"It's all it needs to be."

"You say this is all life is to you, but there is a vortex of fate around all of us, Geralt, growing with each and every one of our choices...drawing our destinies in closer." She paused, glancing at me a moment before returning her attention to him. "I feel something out there waits for you. Both of you. Something more." She then handed him his coin, and he motioned for me to come, and we left her chambers. Once we rounded the hallway, he grabbed my hand, pulling me closer, as we left the castle. He led me to the inn where we had stayed before making our way to the miner's. Geralt led me inside.

"Got coin now, Witcher?" The innkeeper said with an annoyed tone.

"I do." Geralt pulled out the coin pouch and gave what was owed.

"Staying another night?" The innkeeper asked, his mood completely changed upon receiving what was owed. Geralt looked at me and then back at the door, mulling it over.

"Sure. And I need some ale." He said, and the innkeeper provided a mug to him. He took it, drinking it down quickly. "Same room?"

"Yep, and it's still furnished as before, nobody has used it." Geralt nodded and headed that way, with me behind him. He went in the room and when before I could step in, he grabbed me and pulled me in quickly, closing the door just as fast, before pulling me into a tight embrace. I hugged him back, taken aback by the speed at which all this happened. What's wrong with him? I pulled back and looked up at him. Geralt's face was now showing emotion, but so many that I can't read. He leaned down and kissed me, tasting strong of ale, but with such force and passion that I almost got lost in it but my mind trailed to what was wrong, so I pulled away.

"What is it Geralt?" I asked. I didn't want to ruin his want to be intimate, but I want to know what's wrong. He looked down, but didn't move, nor harden in his appearance as he normally does.

"I almost died, would have if Triss didn't find me in time. But I saved the princess, but at what cost? To live a life of special care after nothing but being an animal all her life?" He closed his eyes, with his eyebrows furrowed. "I love you, and the moment I was bleeding out, I didn't want to die, but I thought I had accepted my fate as a Witcher, as that is all I have been." He sees some of himself in the Princess, yet he saved her. What do I tell him? How can I help? Seeing him in this much pain caused my own heart to feel heavy. He looked up, and held his hand out. I took it and he led me to the bed, sitting down and pulling me to his lap, holding the small of my back.

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