The Realization

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"Hey." I heard a familiar voice call me from the depths of my slumber. I groaned and tried to ignore it. "(Y/N), wake up." that same voice commanded. I opened my eyes, and it was night. I looked around, and we were on a trail. I turned and looked at him, and he just glanced at me.

"Took you long enough." Geralt stated. I sighed, and stretched my arms, realizing how sore and stiff my muscles were from the ride. I realized quickly that Jaskier wasn't still here.

"Where's Jaskier?" I asked. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Why? You miss him?" He asked, his voice showing a bit of irritation.

"I haven't really gotten a chance to get to know him...but he seemed interesting enough." I answered, to which he just grunted. "Where are we going?"

"To an inn." He stated, gruffly. He looked exhausted as well, and I felt bad, considering he had to stay awake all this time.

"And after?" I asked. He sighed.

"I don't know. I'll see what I can find for contracts." I felt that maybe now isn't a good time to ask him all these questions. Geralt directed Roach to a cluster of buildings to the side of the trail. He stopped Roach in front of a post, and got off, helping me down. He walked inside, and the innkeeper stood at the counter. He was a short, old man.

"What'll it be?" He asked, suspicion evident on his face.

"Two rooms." Geralt stated, to which the innkeeper shook his head.

"We only have one." Geralt just sighed in response.

"Fine." Was his only reply. The innkeeper walked around the counter and led us upstairs to the room we would be using. We walked inside, and it was relatively large. It had a sheepskin bed with a finely carved nightstand, with a single lit candle on it. There was a basin of water located at the far right-hand corner. There was also a rug-skin of a bear on the floor. Geralt put his weapons against the nightstand. I did the same. I started to remove my leather armor but the straps had managed to get caught on my tunic. Of course! I looked over to Geralt and he had already removed his armor...and his tunic. He was faced away from me, so I got a good look at the scars on his back, and some that had wrapped around his side. They were deep, and from many different monsters, though I couldn't discern what they're from. I guess Geralt could sense my eyes on him because he turned around quickly, making eye contact. At that moment, my eyes went wide and I looked away quickly, finding immediate interest in straps on my leather braces, my face heating up, to which I hoped he couldn't see me blush. I heard him sigh, and he made his way over to me. I looked up, and his eyes were soft, and curious.

"(Y/N)" He stuttered, his face showing a hint of pink as he looked away. "Fuck, (Y/N), I don't know how to tell you what I want to tell you." He stated, and turned right around and went toward the bed, sitting down. I walked over to him, and sat beside him. He had his eyes closed, and he just sighed.

"Just tell me what you're thinking. You don't have to practice or have it all ready to present, you know?" I prompted. He just shook his head.

"It's nothing." He grunted out, laying down on the bed.

"Obviously it's not nothing...considering the simple fact that you're struggling to say whatever it is that is in your head." I stated. He didn't even respond. I waited a moment.

"Fine." I huffed before standing up. I headed toward the basin, and went to undo the straps, when I remembered that they were stuck. I sighed, and I felt Geralt's eyes on me. I turned, and he was, indeed, watching me. He quickly looked away, and stared at the ceiling. I just shook my head and walked over to him.

"Hey, Geralt?" He returned eye contact, and a grunt was his response. "Would you help me...with my straps? They're stuck..." He sat up quickly, and he motioned me to come closer, and I did. He tugged at one of the straps on my side, and with a pop it came out. As he worked on the other three, I really looked at him, being that it's the first time I've been this close. His hair was relatively messy. I noticed the scar on his head from the object that the Sylvan threw. The most prominent feature on his face was the long scar that ran from the upper part of his forehead to the lower part of his cheek. His brows furrowed, and I looked down when he pulled, and the strap gave way, but tore. I stumbled forward at the effort, and Geralt caught me. His right hand was gripped on my waist while his other was on the small of my back. My hands had landed on his bare shoulders as I caught myself, and our faces were mere inches apart, the tips of our noses nearly touching. My breath was caught in my throat, and I just stayed there, uncertain of the next move. I felt my face turn red, and Geralt kept looking at my lips, and examining my face. I realized that I wanted him to kiss me, which made me blush even more. At this, I felt completely embarrassed, so I leaned away. He sensed this, and let go, clearing his throat, and he looked...disappointed. I felt bad, but I didn't know what else to do, so I took off my leather armor, and went back to the basin. I turned back, and Geralt had laid back down, his eyes closed. I quickly removed my clothes, putting them to the side, and I got in the water. I lowered myself in it and covered everything but my face in it. I closed my eyes. I thought of the ride here, before I fell asleep. What am I thinking? I want to kiss him?! Does he even like me? Thoughts about him were just racing through my head. (Y/N) and Geralt...No! That could never happen. I sighed, quietly, trying to stop the thoughts from continuing.

After awhile of soaking and washing in the tub, I made sure Geralt wasn't watching me, though he appeared to be asleep. I stood up and got dressed in my clothes. I grabbed my cloak and went to lay down on the rug when Geralt stopped me.

"What are you doing?" He questioned. I looked at him with a look of confusion. He sighed. "There's room." He stated, which I quickly realized that he meant on the bed. I debated for a moment, before getting up there with him. He leaned against the wall, ensuring there was a bit of a space between us. He crossed his arms before closing his eyes. I blew out the candle, making myself comfortable in the bed. I listened to the sounds of the night; the wind blowing, the leaves rustling, crickets chirping. I heard Geralt snore, slightly, which seemed to indicate that he was asleep. I listened to him, his even breathing helping me to fall asleep.

1241 words. I hope you guys are enjoying this so far! I hope you guys are having an amazing day!

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