The Beginning

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 I was hunting a fawn. I managed to track it to the water's edge. It was taking a drink. I drew my bow, nocking my arrow and pulling back, controlling my breathing. I almost fired when the fawn moved, and in doing so I noticed bubbles come up from the water. Uh, oh. This isn't good. I concentrated on the bubbles. I knew there were monsters in it, which is why I never went in it. In a flash, a spider-looking monster popped up and I saw a man slash at it. I didn't get a good look at him as he went back under the water. But I did notice he had white hair, as white as snow. I fired at the creature, it screamed and pulled up which allowed the man to come back up, and with his sword drawn, he quickly stabbed it upwards through its mouth and through its head, effectively killing it. It let out a scream, then went limp. The man was panting. He turned and I softly gasped. His eyes were black as coal, and whatever causes it had radiated outwards, his veins around his eyes going back towards his temples. He looked towards my direction, and I ducked a bit more behind a bush behind the tree I was near. He looked a bit behind me and walked this way, as he did, he stopped and I peeked to see what he was looking at, when I saw the fawn I was hunting. It was on the ground, panting. It looked wounded, though I didn't have a clear view. Must've been when the creature bursted out of the water. He moved closer to the fawn.

"Today isn't your day, is it?" He spoke towards the deer. His voice was deep, guttural even. I got to see more of what he looked like. Part of his hair was held towards the back, to be out of the way I presumed. His armor was dark, and he had a wolf pendant hanging on a chain around his neck. I looked at his sword. Silver...this man must be a witcher. He then raised his sword and killed the fawn. I felt a bit of irritation, as I've been tracking that deer for a few hours now. He then immediately turned his head and looked at me.

"You can come out, I'm not going to hurt you." He stated. I stood up from my position, putting my bow on my back and arrow back in the quiver. I slowly stepped out, his eyes never leaving me.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm (y/n), it's nice to meet you. What's your name?" I asked. He looked as though he was contemplating as to whether or not he was going to tell me.

"Geralt...of Rivia." He answered. He looked towards the fawn, then back at me. "You were hunting this?"

"Yes... Geralt...your name sounds familiar, though I can't place it. But I can certainly tell that you're a witcher. Are you wounded?" I asked. He shrugged a bit.

"Hm. No. I heal quickly anyway." He walked right past the deer and whistled. I heard hoofbeats and out of the trees, a brown horse made its way out and moved toward Geralt. He patted his horse and then turned to me. His eyes were no longer black, they were golden. Beautiful, I thought. He nodded towards me.

"You should've run from here as soon as you saw it." He stated, as though it was so simple.

"Count yourself lucky that I didn't" I rebutted. He huffed a bit, and I saw a bit of a smirk appear on his face.

"I had a handle on it, I would've been fine."

"Really, last I checked you were under water with that thing on top of you." I replied. He took a step closer to me.

"Why'd you help? Any other person would've just ran for their life without a second glance back. Hmm?" His eyes bored intently into mine.

"I didn't do much, honestly, and I figured you knew what you were doing, I just didn't want to take any chances on that thing killing someone when I could've done something to help. All I did was fire an arrow." He chuckled a bit.

"You did much more than that." I looked at him. He turned away and went towards his horse. He turned back toward me.

"You need a ride?" He asked. I debated for a moment. I don't really know this guy, but if he wanted to hurt me he would've done it by now.

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