2025 - Dorothea

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__ 2025 Nashville TN__
Dorothea had gone to California ready to go through struggles of becoming a singer, but she rose to success over night. She had put out a EP and her debut album within 4 years and now she was headed to New York to start her tour. She also was asked to sing at a modeling show, but first she had to go home and take care of some things.

She had arrived home a week before and before she left, she wanted to visit the park. She arrived and opened her door, and looked over there next to her was Betty.

"Omg hi Betty!" She said.

"Oh hi!" Betty said smiling. "How are you?"

"I'm good!" Dorothea said. They walked together to the swings. They sat down and talked.

"How has life been treating you?" Betty asked. She had changed a lot and Dorothea was surprised.

"Pretty good. My singing has really launched off. I have a album and a EP out." Dorothea said.

"Nice! What are you doing here?" Betty asked.

"I have to take care of a few things before I start my tour in New York." She said. "How about you? What are you doing here and how is life for you?"

"Life is good. I'm here to grab a few things, and then I'm also going to New York to see Augusta at a modeling show." Betty said.

"Awesome! I was wondering if you and her were still dating." Dorothea said.

"Ya, on the topic of relationships what about you? Do you have someone?" Betty says smiling.

"Nobody for me." Dorothea said.

"Nice. Single is good sometimes." Betty says. "Why did we lose contact Dorothea? We were such good friends, and look at us now. We are still good friends."

"I think I got so caught up in my fame and you got busy with Augusta. I wish we stayed friends though. You missed so much in my life. So many shitty things has happened to me and I have had nobody."

"Oh. You got shiny friends since you left town. This town is still the same as you can tell. But if you are ever tired of who you know, always know that you know me. Its never too late you know. And everyone wants to know you." Betty says. "Remember when you were the girl on the bleachers not the cheerleader? Or when we skipped senior prom just to piss off your mom?"

Tears are falling freely for both of them. So Manu good memories but they both threw them away for other things. And now it was too late.

"Betty I need to tell you something. I am so sorry that I wasn't able to stay friends with you. Because now it is too late."

"What do you mean Dorothea?" Betty said now concerned.

"Betty, I only have a few years left to live " Dorothea says, barely choking it out. "I am going to do a short tour and then try to out out a bunch of music. I am trying to live the best I can."

"No, no, no. This can't be happening." Betty says, tears streaming down her face.

"Betty it is happening. I'm sorry!" Dorothea says. Betty leans in and sobs into her shoulder.

"No. It can't. I can't. It isn't fair!" Betty says.

"But it is. And I wouldn't trade anything for the life I have now." Dorothea says soothing Betty. "And so you need to do exactly what you want to do and life with no regrets. And like my favorite author says, as long as we don't die,this is going to be one hell of a story. And even when I do die, I want my life to be amazing and one hell of a story. I want to be able to look back at my life and be happy with it. To be able to look at my life and say I lived it exactly how I imagined it a a child. Not many people are able to say that."

"You can't be sad Betty. We have to think about the good times, because not everyone has the good times. We can't worry about the future. We need to stay in the moment,because if we don't then one day we are going to look up and everything will be gone. We can't focus on the past for too long. We can look back on the past occasionally but we have to live in the moment too."

Betty nodded and smiled through her tears. " I am going to New York to see Augusta and I am inviting Inez and her fiance. So do you want to ride with us?"

"Yes." Dorothea said smiling.

Now we know some things from Dorothea's POV! Also the quote is from Paper Towns by John Green. It is a really good book that I suggest.

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