2025 - Augusta

24 6 2

__2025 New York City__

Dorothea: hey everyone I am starting my concert today do you all want tickets? If you do tell me how many.

Logan: sure that's awesome! Can I get 2

Betty: awesome! 2 plz

Inez: 1 plz!

Betty: is Levi not coming?

Inez: ya he doesn't feel good.

Augusta: tell him feel better!

Augusta was so exited to go to Dorothea's concert. She had never been great friends but she was friendly because of Betty. She loved Betty dearly and didn't know what she would do without her.

They were all going to lunch then to the concert. Dorothea was going to sing some of her songs but also some covers. They were going to get lunch at just a small diner because they didn't want to get noticed. It was kind of weird for Augusta when random people on the street came up to her and wanted to get a photo or get something signed. She would never get used to the life of a model, even though it was all she had wanted to do as a kid.

__1 hour later__
"Hey guys!" Augusta says.

"Hey Augusta! Sit next to me!" Betty says. Augusta sits down and kisses Betty. They had the biggest table in the restaurant. It had 8 seats and they were all taken. She was so excited to go to Dorothea's concert later.

"Augusta this is Este and Marjorie! I met them in LA!" Dorothea says.

"Nice to meet you both!" Augusta says. "Have you ordered yet?"

"No." Inez says.

"Ok!" She says.

"So Este, how do you know Dorothea?" Logan asks.

"Well, we have the same manager, so they had us sing together a few times and release a remix together." Este says.

"Nice! What was the song?" Augusta asks.

"Hard To Say Goodbye." Este says.

"Omg! I loved that song!" Inez says.

"Ya. It was a big radio hit." Dorothea says.

"How about you Marjorie? How do you know Dorothea?" Logan asks.

"We meet when Dorothea was filming one of her awesome music videos." Marjorie said looking fondly at Dorothea.

"That is so cool!" Inez says. "How are you feeling Dorothea?"

"I'm a little nervous but usually my nerves kick in 5 minutes before which is nice I guess." Dorothea says.

"What is your track list?" Betty says.

"Um so I'm doing songs from my album and a few covers. The concert is only supposed to be 1 hour long. I know fans will be mad, but I don't have many songs, and I don't want it to go too long so the doctor says 1 hour is best to preform." Dorothea says.

Augusta had tears in her eyes. She knew that Dorothea was dying but the reality was starting to set in. Dorothea was soon going to be gone. Betty wouldn't be able to talk to her or call her. Dorothea was a big part of Betty's life and Augusta knew when Dorothea was gone, part of Betty would be gone too forever.

"But on a better note is my set list. The songs that are mine are: Golden Heart, Ride Or Die, Till We Meet Again, Ticket, Every Single Day, Waterfall, No More Lies, His Story, Half The World Away and Hard To Say Goodbye. For Hard to say goodbye I will be bringing Este on stage as a surprise. Then I'm covering I Lived, Long Live, and Sign Of The Times." Dorothea says.

__2 hours later___
Dorothea had given them all the tickets, but when they got their they were surprised to find that they were front row seats. Sadly they knew they wouldn't be able to fully enjoy the concert because they all knew this was most likely the last time they would ever see Dorothea. Augusta respected Dorothea's wishes to finish her life to the fullest, and that was what she would do, but she was still sad.

Suddenly the lights turned off and everyone stoped talking. They headed the rifts of a guitar and suddenly they saw Dorothea on the stage.

If your a good friend
You'd always be there when I need it
Cause I'm on my knees and I'm bleeding
And it kills me that your not around

So your not my best friend
Don't pretend that makes us nothing
Tell me you don't miss this feeling
I'm starting to see who you are

And so this is one of 2 parts to the ending..... and I'm so sad 😭 also the song is not mine. It is a unreleased song from a band. :)

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