2025 - James

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There Is Going To Be A Lot Of Cursing! Just A Fyi.

__2025 New York City__

Logan🍽: hey man high school friends coming over!

James💵: ok who

Logan🍽: Betty, Augusta, Inez

James💵: wow. Just a figment of my worst intentions

Logan🍽: too bad suck it up.

-At Logan and James' house-

"Hey everyone!" James says. He had come from work and was not expecting to see his two exes, a drama queen, a pop star, and a random person in his house. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Betty and Augusta roll their eyes at each other.

"Hi James." Logan says.

"What's happening?" James says.

"Nothing much. Just ordered pizza." Logan says.

"Ok." James says, pretending to be oblivious everything. They were.all cheating when James spoke up. "Ok so I know Betty, Augusta, Inez, and Dorothea, but who is the guy?"

"My fiance." Inez says.

"Congrats!" James says.

"Like you care." Betty muttered.

"Excuse me?!" James said.

"Like you fucking care. You never did care or ever will about anyone but yourself!" Betty says.

"Fuck off Betty! You know nothing about me!" James yelled. "Your just jealous that I have an amazing life and that I see people!"

"Excuse me?! I am seeing Augusta and I am quite content. At least I'm not trying to kiss every person I see!" Betty yelled.

"Fuck you! Your just mad at me because I cheated on you FOUR YEARS AGO!" James yelled.

"Oh sure! You know what I'm mad at you for? That you thought you had a chance to get back with me. You had Augusta all summer, but when it came down to it you wanted me! You used both of us!" Betty screamed.

"Ya! But I was dumb. Who knew I could have anyone else?" James yelled back.

"Your jealous I've been able to overcome so many things to be with Augusta. Also that I have had a longer relationship then all of yours combined would be!" Betty yelled.

The doorbell rang breaking the fight off. Logan went to get the pizza, and Augusta grabbed Betty and pulled her away, while everyone else stood in shock.

"I'm going." James muttered. He grabbed his coat and walked out the door. Once he made it a few feet away he looked back, to see if anyone was going to follow him, but there was nobody. He was mad, but also happy. He didn't know how terrible it would be to be in the Sams room as 2 of his exes.

He had never gotten over Betty, and to find that she was dating Augusta was terrible. Him cheating was the most fucked up thing he had ever done and he would never forgive himself.

Sorry that this one is so short! I didn't know what else to add, because James is so hard to get in the mindset of!

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