Harbinger's Arrival

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Doom Fortress, moments before arrival.

The Doom Slayer had defeated the Icon of Sin mere moments ago. He had returned to his fortress to settle down after the long fight. If only for a bit.

The ARC Broadcast was on and became background noise as the Slayer went to his recreational room, but the Slayer heard enough to take in from the report.

With the Icon of Sin disposed of, Hell's forces had withdrawn for now. The Slayer felt a tiny bit of relief wash over him for his work. But he still had work to do. Demons weren't going to kill themselves while he was around.

"I've scanned the whole planet and demon activity has grown silent for awhile now. This will give you some time off. I'll keep an eye out on anything that interests you." Hayden suggested. Not that the Slayer needed to be reminded. He sighed in lament of having to leave VEGA back in Urdak in order to return to Earth. Now his only companion in the fortress was the one responsible for this whole mess.

Dr. Samuel Hayden. Former head of the UAC and now leader of the ARC Resistance. Despite his willingness to aid him and fight off the demons, the Slayer hold him in contempt for his actions back on Mars. The Argent energy, the inhuman experiments, the cult led by Olivia Pierce; all of it was on his hands.

However, his aid and support made him tolerate Hayden's presence to a degree. Somewhat.

Doom Slayer walked towards the recreational room and placed the final piece of his collectibles. An Icon of Sin figurine that dwarfed all the other figurines to the point it took up two shelves to place it among them. He was damn proud of his achievement and admired them all.

But before he could settle down, the lights all over the fortress began flickering uncontrollably.

"You might want to get to the main deck. It seems we have uninvited guests." Hayden alerted. Back on his feet, Slayer hurried torwards the teleporter. All the while grabbing plenty of ammunition before heading out.

Not a few moments in, the teleporter was acting haywire. Hayden had no idea what was going on even as he attempted to override the controls. Doom Slayer summoned his super shotgun and began reloading. He awaited for his threat to come.

What he didn't expect was a voice from the other side.

"I call upon the one named Doom Slayer!" It called out. "I have sought for your legendary skills and I must ask you to enter! Quickly, I can only hold this portal so long! We need your help! Please!"

Lowering his gun in response, Hayden quickly jumped with preparations.

"The destination is far from where we are. Much farther." Hayden remarked. "I'll setup a transfer of the fortress to our new coordinates. It'll take awhile to get there, but in the meantime, let's not make our host wait, shall we?

Doom Slayer needed no response. He walked towards the portal with a clear mind.

It was another day for the Slayer.

White Tower of Hoeth, Ulthuan, moments before arrival.

By the time Tyrion arrived to the White Tower, it was night. Before then, he had sent several messages to make sure Teclis was alright. Most of the time, it was always his famous sharp-tongued responses that was plainly written on his messages. However, he had grown awfully quiet as of late, and it worried the prince. For all his butting heads with Teclis, Tyrion still cared enough for him to visit even if he had several guards looking after him in his tower.

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