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Faded Silence

Doom Slayer exited the deck where he was met with a sombre scene of a victorious battle. The Sea Guard was able to suppress the pirates to submission, with many of them now at the mercy of the Asur; their hands tied to their backs.

Several of the guards gave leeway for him as he carried the Bretonnian towards safe shores. The defeated pirates - or what's left of them - looked at the Slayer with fear in their eyes; some averting their gaze when he stared back. The Asur, meanwhile, gave a look of admiration and respect from their faces as he passed by; showing their gratitude to him when he turned the tides. Of course, there was the occasional sneer and disdain from certain individuals, but the Slayer's work outweighed the petty feelings.

Hayden activated the portal in front of Doom Slayer; leading only to the shoreline. There, he was greeted by Alarielle and her handmaidens approaching.

"Oh no..." Alarielle muttered with worry as she saw the woman he carried; quickly pacing towards him. Worry soon turned to horror as she examined the extensive injuries that were found upon the girl's body.

Alarielle looked back up at Doom Slayer's face, which now revealed sullen but still angry eyes behind his visor.

"There are more back on the ship." Hayden chimed in. "We will be heading back to town now. I take it that there are healers established over there?"

"Y-Yes, Hayden." She answered with composure. "We have set up tents and resting areas for the wounded. But we'll take her from here."

Doom Slayer nodded. Carefully, he took her off his hands slowly; allowing her to stand up a bit. The girl understood the gesture but kept her hands on him as she pulled herself together and took some steps in. She kept her hand on Doom Slayer's even as she was capable of standing up for herself before she hesitantly let go and was soon embraced by the Everqueen. Alarielle greeted her first with a warm smile.

"It's alright, little one." She assured the Bretonnian. "Here, you will suffer no more."

The girl nodded before Alarielle looked back to some of her guards.

"I will need volunteers to retrieve any survivors from the boat. Any willing to take up the task?"

A couple of them had stepped forward with duty in mind.

"See to it, then," Alarielle ordered. The few handmaidens detached, while the others remained to their Everqueen's side. Alarielle gently caressed a hand on the girl's cheek. The girl shuddered at the touch but remained passive knowing Alarielle was no Druchii.

"What is your name, little one?" Alarielle asked. The girl was straining to form the words in her mouth, but Alarielle remained patient for her.

"... G-...G-Gwenivar... Gwenivar Sanguine." The girl answered.

"A Bretonnian, then." Alarielle remarked.

"Well, Lady Sanguine, you will be in good hands. Until the day comes when you are ready to leave, you will be under my care." Alarielle comforted. Gwen nodded again. This time, she dawned a small but faint smile on her lips. Alarielle laid her eyes back towards Doom Slayer, who never took off his on Gwenivar.

"I thank you for defending our home, Slayer." She thanked. "Is there anything I can do to further help you?"

Doom Slayer shook his head. He then proceeded to check the ammo count on his guns. The ammunition was running low at the moment, save for the BFG and the Unmaykr. Had the dark elves been demons, he wouldn't have worried too much about running out of ammo and just enjoy turning demons into resource pinãtas. Fortunately, he had made modifications to increase the count once the fortress came back.

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