Blood in the Waters I

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The Sea of Chaos

Viktur stared off at the endless sea as he leaned on his ship's railings. The constant of waves crashing underneath the hulls and splashing his raven hair while the smell of salt hanging in the air was an acquired taste for many on their first voyage. But for him, he was born in such an environment.

And since he lived the life of a corsair like his fathers and his fathers' fathers before him, the career was both a fitting and profitable experience. Especially for an ambitious Druchii looking to sail his own Black Ark.

However, his ship - a Galleon outfitted with Reaper ballistae and cannons and now repurposed for piracy that he "willingly" taken off from the Bretonnians - was serviceable enough. The crew were carrying their duties, making sure the ship was taking its course to Araby. All while attempting to avoid the shores of Ulthuan.

Emphasis on "attempt" as he was still indecisive on whether or not to plunder a port just for the hell of it.

"Ah, I might as well let the boys have their fun." He told himself.

Besides them, there were the slaves who did their chores thoroughly. One slave made the mistake of spilled a bottle of excellent wine onto the lower decks and was strapped to the front of the ship to be keelhauled to death the other day. This ensured the others to stay in line lest they be made an example like the poor soul.

He took a bite of his apple - a rare treat as far as corsair raids have provided - and walked back to the main deck. Plenty of activity going on the ship. He passed by a dwarfen slave scrubbing the floors and a couple of the shipmates pulling and rigging on the masts. His first mate greeted him.


"Sindric! How is our crew? Is our course scheduled as planned?" Viktur asked, cheerfully. His first mate politely smiled and answered.

"Crew is fine, Captain. We have plenty of supplies and we will be near Ulthuan in the dead of night. The boys have been relieving themselves with the "maiden" in the lower decks. Although, they're asking if we could get more women once we arrive in Araby. They've grown tired of sharing. Plus, they're getting a little tensed up, especially knowing that we'll be heading near Ulthuan territory. We won't get there until tonight if our navigator has told us otherwise."

Viktur raised an eyebrow at the seeming demands given by them.

"We? We? Do they realize who they're speaking to?" Viktur reminded, sternly. Sidric remained silent but looked visibly uncomfortable to answer.

"W-Well Captain, they may have been simpl-"

"I'm jesting!" Viktur joked, dawning a smile to ease his First Mate's reaction. "I am a charitable man to my crew! They grow restless and it's about time we start lighting up the place for once."

Viktur looked to the rest of the ship and began a speech.

"Attention!" He announced, stopping his crew from their duties, temporarily.

"Crew, I have received your complaints! And they are most well-received! We are headed close to our most hated cousin! I have given some time to think and I have decided that we will raid a town! We will plunder their riches and slaughter them like cattle in the name of Khaine! Tonight, we will make the Druchii back home proud! And I promise that we will get the greatest pleasures Araby can provide! For I, Viktur of House Bloodsong; Captain of the Faded Silence, rewards all!"

The crew cheered with malicious glee and hollered for the blood of the Asur. Viktur smirked at their praises, but no less appreciative of their dedication.

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