Blood in the Waters II

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Evening, near distant shores...

The sun had perished. And in its stead, the moon of Mansleibb hanged over a ship, casting light in the darkness of the sea.

After much seafaring and navigating, the Faded Silence and its hosts finally drew near on the shores of an Asur coastal town. Viktur watched through his spyglass and smiled insidiously at the prospects of plunder and sacrifices.

"It's time." He told to his first mate. Putting aside the spyglass, he turned around to face his crew with renewed vigour.

Every single member on the ship sans the slaves were just as bloodthirsty as the blades they carried on them. Their grins full of lust and murder reflected from the purple fires that light the ship eerily. They foregoed their armor for maneuvarability and speed, for this raid was to be a hit and run. Staying any longer would alert the Sea Guards and lead only to disaster. Gold and any trinkets were allowed, but slaves were out of the question. Killing their treacherous cousins, however, was fair game. Sindric and Saressa stood on the sidelines, with his lieutenand leading the excited crew and his sister standing idly with her staff in hand.

"Our time has come, my brothers!" He announced. "As we reach further to our most hated kin, we shall wet our blades with their blood! Relieve them of their precious treasures! And make music with their screams! Loud enough so that Khaine could finally sleep in peace! For we are the Druchii! The true sons and daughters of Naggaroth! And on this night, we shall turn the waters red as we slaughter the usupers like the cattle they are!"

The Cove Battle - Darkest Dungeon OST

The crew cheered on and cried for the blood of their cousins to sate their vengeance. Viktur's grin turned to that of a predator setting sights on his prey.

"Raise the sails! Ready the bolt throwers and cannons! Light 'em up! And prepare to soften the sheep! For the slaughter shall begin!" He ordered with enthusiasm. His men did as they were told. They began furling the sails, and mounted the bolts with dhar-enchanted fire, while the cannons were armed and ready. The corsair captain suited up and wore the signature helm of the Black Ark Corsairs. The sight of it would strike fear into the hearts of those who gaze upon it, for it was the symbol of the terrors of the sea.

While as much as he would like to join the skirmish, it was high time that he stayed in the background for once, and let the crew revel in the glory. Still, that didn't stop him from psyching them into a frenzy.

Nearing the the coastal shores, Viktur took commands again.

"Darkspears! Ballistae! Cannons! FIRE!"

On command, Dreadspears began firing while the Bolt Throwers and cannons soon followed. Explosions and black fire engulfed some areas of the town. Now it was the reavers turn.

"Deploy the boats! Make Khaine proud!" The crew hollered for blood as their boats drop to the surface of the water, and began rowing towards shore.

"This will be a wonderful sight to watch from here!" Viktur joyfully said.

"I concur, Viktur." His sister applauded. "Though, it would've been better if you had join them. I would've enjoyed scrubbing the blood from your body..."

"Another time, then..." He replied, before going behind her back and kissing on her neck sensually, fondling her breasts and putting a hand down to her snatch. She purred and moaned at his touch.

"But for now... let's just enjoy the show."


"Alright, you sea dogs! GET TO WORK!" Sindric ordered. The corsairs soon jumped off their boats and began running towards shore. The artillery back from the ship provided cover and allowed them to move with little resistance. Sindric's heart was pumping with adrenaline and drugs as he rushed forward with the reavers.

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