Deliverance of Evil

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The Brass Keep...

Khorne was pleased by the bloodshed. His power grew upon the carnage wrought on by the Slayer. The spikes on his armour grew sharper with every inch. His throne reaching greater heights with more skulls. And the blood of mortals flooded into his rivers in tsunamis. The rush of power surged like adrenaline to his body. And though his power was not enough to overbalance the other Gods - knowing the Slayer's absorption powers -, Khorne was satisfied by the Great Slayer's willpower.

"I have made a wonderful investment." He reflected. In the corner of his eyes, he noticed the greatest of his Bloodthirsters flying towards him. The greater daemon landed and bowed before his creator. The Brass Lord's eyes gazed upon the kneeling daemon, smouldering in irritation at his interruption.


"Master." Greeted the Bloodthirster, respectfully. "Forgive my presence. The other Gods have sent emissaries to your fortress. They have called for an urgent meeting. One concerning the matter of this world."

Khorne raised a brow and snorted at the request.

"Tell them it can wait. My interests are elsewhere. I will not be bothered with another of their hysteria."

"But master..." Ka'Bandha insisted, risking the ire of his lord. "They say a great evil is returning. In the lands of the Cursed Pit."

"The Cursed Pit? But that place has been-" Khorne stopped amidst the mention before turning to the Greater Daemon, erupting in fury and terror.

"WHAAAAT?!" Screamed the Blood God, the blood from the rivers boiled and his throne's skulls rattling under the heavyweight and fear as he spoke in umbrage. "BY WHO?!"

"Servants of the Great Necromancer are gathering and await for his resurrection there. The other gods await you, lord."

Khorne fumed and grew tempestuous. The return of the Lord of Death spelt doom for the world. Both for the mortals and the Immaterium. The god stood up from his throne and marched his way out of his fortress.

"I shall take my leave here, Ka'Bandha." Khorne stated. "I will attend this meeting alone."

"By your will, Lord." The bloodthirsters stood aside and allowed the Lord of Brass to leave, his steps creating quakes as he stomped his way. Fear was not an emotion Chaos was accustomed to. Only two things can cause them to their attention. The Doom Slayer... and Nagash.

Har Ganeth...

"Get the mounts ready! Put your backs into it!" Howled Hellebron. The druchii reined in their beasts of burden to the forefront of the gates straight towards Naggarond. They could only go gather as many mounts from what limited stables they had left. Alith, meanwhile, called in his forces outside the gates to enter. After much displeasure and grief from his men, Alith was able to rein them in though barely in the presence of the fanatic followers of Khaine. Both sides had kept their distance since then.

As for where Doom Slayer was in of all this, he returned to the bay to sweep up the remaining forces of Chaos. The carnage he wrought on his foes was swift and brutal. The warriors of Chaos stood no chance against the onslaught of the Hellwalker and his plethora of weapons at his side. He rained down upon them with fire and fury like a maelstrom of metal. It would have taken the elves of Naggaroth months fending off the followers of the Dark Gods.

Now, it took only but a scant few hours to drive them off the shores of Har Ganeth with Doom Slayer on their side. Many of the witches who have fought alongside (albeit unwillingly) were awestruck by the full might of him in action. At the same, they are severely disappointed that they could not get as many sacrifices to Khaine with Doom Slayer taking the lion's share. They still prayed to their god for giving them strength to fight the barbarians of the Chaos Wastes.

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