Cloaked in Shadow

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Ancient Stones - Skyrim OST

Lothern, Ulthuan

Doom Slayer awoke from his rest in his room. It was less a sleep and more a meditative nap. The perks of being blessed by the Seraphim made him incapable of feeling neither hungry nor tired. He very much could go on without any basic needs. Hell, pissing was no longer necessary. Though, he occasionally took enjoyment in the minor activities if he had the chance. Just one flex and he could do it instantly.

Since last night, the attempted assassination had gotten the inn residents on edge. The guards were pretty quick to get rid of the body before any witnesses had come in. Although, based on the hushed reactions from everyone and Hayden's diagnosis of the body, he may have stumbled upon a species of "rat-like" beastmen.

Whatever that meant to him.

Still, such rumours that made a fuss around the inn could bring potential intel now that he was here. At the cost of alienating some of the inn's patrons. Whatever the hell their reasons were.

Hopefully, Teclis would be there to vouch for him.

Doom Slayer stood up from his bed and stretched. It had been a long time since he had rested before. His head felt lighter and more relaxed but was still mentally prepared as always. He looked to his surroundings to find himself in a more spartan but homely room just below the VIP area. He kept his Praetor armour on except for his helmet and shoulder cannon, to which he equipped back both on.

"Rise and shine." Hayden dryly greeted. "We have work to do."


Doom Slayer walked towards the door of his room and opened it to reveal a guardsman standing in front of the doorway.

"Prince Teclis is here to see you. He has been informed of last night's incident."

"Thank you. We'll be heading out now." Hayden responded. The guard stepped aside as the Slayer went downstairs to meet up with Teclis. It only took two minutes for them to spot Teclis sitting at one of the tables. The Loremaster sighed in relief but revealed hints of worry when approaching. Among the patrons, news of the King's death had spread like wildfire and caused no shortage of sadness for the people. While Teclis assured that it was not his fault, Doom Slayer felt slight regret and wondered if it was true. Still, paying respect to the deceased would at least bring him some manner of peace.

"Greetings, Slayer. I had hoped your evening wasn't too troublesome. I heard what happened and I deeply apologize for not putting enough precautions."

"Apologies for what? Being attacked? Hardly an issue he could standby." Hayden remarked. "But that's not something you should concern yourself. I believe there's a funeral we should be attending now."

"Still, my concerns are very much on high alert. Especially in regards to the assassin in question." Teclis replied, lowering his voice to a sudden. "But I can't speak further, not while in public."

"Lead the way." Teclis gestured the two to follow them. They were led outside to see the once quiet city bursting with noise and a diverse scenery full of various races coming together. The streets crowded with merchants and cheerful folk as he assessed. Some looked in the direction of the Slayer as exited. Many were curious as usual, Doom Slayer not surprised by this when he entered the city. Many eyed at his armour; dwarves especially were fascinated by it. However, guards soon gathered around them before they could approach him. An elaborate carriage soon stopped in front of them, with Teclis looking back.

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