Sea of Violence

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Three days later...

Flying Whales - Gojira (0:00 - 2:26, then repeat on 0:26)

The Faded Silence sailed without trouble as it reached past the long since abandoned Slaver's Point and entered Karond Kar territory. Only the sound of seawater crashed against the boat and distant crows cawing filled the ears of everyone on the ship. Shadow Warriors - who had changed their uniforms to their druchii counterparts - worked tirelessly maintaining speed and navigating the trenches and rocky cliffs that threaten to consume them while honing their skills and blades.

Alith stood at the ship's bow; wearing the former captain's garbs and overlooking the opened path now in front of him. They had reached much earlier than expected, arriving three days earlier than expected. He pondered if Lileath had anything to do with the journey or that the crew was just very lucky. It mattered little to him. They had finally reached Naggaroth. And once they reached past Karond Kar, they will be able to get to Naggaroth; so long as they remain in clandestine. Sea patrols could be anywhere and it would become a hindrance if they were delayed.

Alith headed back to the Captain's Quarter, where awaiting inside was an overly-eager and violent recruit that accompanied him on his ship. His men saluted him as he passed by before going back to whatever they were ordered to do. Reaching close to the door, Alith opened to find the man sitting in his chair. In his right hand, a whetstone was used to sharpen his extended wrist blade. Sparks flew from the grinding and the sound of heavy scraping filled the room. The man that called himself Doom Slayer was visibly impatient to arrive on land. Alith noted the aura that emanated around. Heavy with dread and terror. Even his Shadow Warriors deliberately avoided getting in his way whenever he walked around the ship. Alith could feel it but was unbothered by it. He knew why he was here. And the Druchii will understand soon.

Doom Slayer glanced up at the Shadow King with acknowledgement. He set the stone aside - his blade retracting - and adjusted from his seat.

"Alith." Hayden's voice entered. "Is there something you need?"

"Nay. Only to inform you of our whereabouts." Replied Alith. "We will be arriving sooner than scheduled. We are fortune to be without delay."

"Excellent news." Hayden noted. "Four days shorter than expected."

"Agreed. But be warned. Once we have reached shore, we will be facing multiple threats standing in our way. The Druchii aren't the only creatures that prowl these lands." Alith warned. Not that the Slayer was any bit concerned. A simple nod was given.

"Duly noted." Hayden replied. Footsteps approached from the doorway. A shadow warrior entered and saluted his superior.

"Lord." He greeted. "A raven has come with a message. As you ordered."

The subordinate soon brought out a small scroll. Alith took it from him and gestured to leave his presence. The scout soon left. Alith unrolled the paper and read its contents. If Doom Slayer could understand the annoyed expression on the Shadow King's brow, it meant something bad had happened.

"Just when I thought our trip was going so smoothly..." Alith groaned. He looked up to Doom Slayer with bad news in hand. "Naggarond is under siege by a massive Chaos invasion. It seems we'll have to wade through the barbaric hordes just to get to Malekith."

Doom Slayer shrugged. Hayden spoke up from the helm. "I don't see how much of an issue that could be considered a 'hindrance'."

"I did say there were other creatures besides the Druchii." Alith pointed out.

"And we have the Slayer onboard." Hayden countered. "Odds between us and Chaos is stacked against them."

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