The Slayer, The Crone, and The Undefeated

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Har Ganeth

"Move!" Shadowblade commanded as he navigated the chaotic streets. Screams were heard in every direction. The city had become a death trap to its inhabitants. The leading northman had been held back by Tullaris. Yet, even as he stood between them and his own, the druchii quickly learned that there were daemons and their mortal slaves coming from other directions not from where they escaped. Surviving druchii were dwindling, losing a couple of executioners and witch sisters on the way.

The remaining druchii followed closely behind, along with carrying a resisting Hellebron who struggled as her wrists were now bound in rope. Yet she grew defiant even as her retinue held her down with all their might.

"Unhand me! I am your queen! And I demand my re-MMF?!" An executioner muffled her mouth with a bundle of cloth shoved in.

"Apologies, Your Highness." The executioner apologized. "But Lord Dreadbringer's final orders were to take you to safety."

"MMFFMMMFFFMMMMMFFFMFMMMF!" She snarled and thrashed against her bonds, putting much pressure on the surviving members to try and survive the night and hope to get on a ship soon. Shadowblade groaned as he could imagine the severe punishment that he and the others would face if Hellebron gets freed.

"If I could just sneak my way out of her hands when this is all over, I'm free to do as I please." The assassin thought to himself. Shadowblade didn't dwell too much on it, finding it beneath him. Not to mention, very inappropriate with Chaos running rampant. He guided the other safely as they journeyed to the bay.

As they reach another corner, however, the sight of asur crossing paths with them soon tensed. Worse, it was the fabled Shadow King and his followers that they met face-to-face. Both sides pulled their weapons and stood ready for combat. Neither side made a move, however, even when there was an opportunity to be made.

The Shadow Warriors kept their cool with bows at the ready, while the Khainite assassin and his kin drew their blades, ready to strike within distance. Only Hellebron was unarmed due to her restraints.

"What brings the great Shadow King to our hold? Answer wisely, and I might spare you a slow and painful death." Questioned Shadowblade.

"On business." Alith answered, coldness creeping into his voice. "And as much as I would relish the thought of killing your kin, my business is elsewhere. Although..."

Alith eyed the queen behind the assassin. A faint mixture of surprise and amusement drew on his face. "It is oddly fascinating to see you in such...misfortunate...circumstances, Hellebron."

The Crone-Queen growled and nearly jumped at him were it not for the executioners holding her back. Shadowblade and a couple of witches stood in front and pointed their daggers threateningly back at Alith.

"We are escorting her to the bay." Shadowblade replied. "This city is burning to the ground and we are abandoning as we speak. But if you intend to threaten her livelihood, then you should have brought more men. If not, then stay out of our way."

"You'll only be running straight to your execution, druchii." Alith responded. Shadowblade narrowed his eyes to the asur prince. "The northmen have taken the bay. Though, I sincerely wouldn't mourn for you."

"And taking the path behind us isn't any better, cousin..." Shadowblade coldly stated.

"Better off you die in a hole, somewhere." Alith retorted. Both groups were at a standstill; none moving unless the other did. It was only until Hayden spoke through Alith's earpiece did the tension end.

"Alith? Can you hear me? Do you read me?"

Alith slowly and carefully lowered his bow, before raising an index to gesture his enemy to wait a moment. Shadowblade was perplexed but kept his guard on. Alith pressed on the earpiece and responded.

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