The Night of Bloody Hands

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Har Ganeth's Bay

"Steady...steady...!" Alith repeated as the ship arrived at the bay of Naggaroth's notorious theocratic hold. The galleon's structure - while by no means fragile - had already ceased to function properly as they neared the ports. The crew braced themselves as they made the landing.


Within reach, they arrived with the grace of a falling whale cushioned by a bedrock. But as far as Doom Slayer was concerned, this hard landing was practically a bumper.

"...We're here." Alith deadpanned. "Everyone out."

The whole crew prepared immediately and equipped themselves with proper gear. Doom Slayer and Alith were the first to set foot on land. Alith changed back to his old uniform - seeing no reason as to keep up the pirate disguise - while the Slayer surveyed the surroundings. The entire bay was unsettling empty. Plenty of ships were still near the docks, though. All of them abandoned by now.

Not a single sound nearby save for the ones of battle far off somewhere in the north. Smoke and fire could be seen from a distance as a well; much further from the sea.

"We'll take one of the boats here." Alith stated. "Ship is of no use to us at this point. I want volunteers to find a viable ship to continue our journey."

A couple of his men raised their hands. Alith then gestured them to search for one.

"We can't stay here any longer." Alith voiced his concerns. "City is crawling with executioners, witch elves, and Khainite assassins. Of all the places we could've landed, it's this one. Keep your eyes out"

"We appreciate the warning, Alith." Hayden thanked. "Though, I think you may have exaggerated a bit too much on the ship's damage. Its integrity is still intact, so it's possible we can repair it with the right tools."

As Hayden pointed out the chances of repairs, a raven came down and landed on the ship's railings. Three times it pecked at the wood did the ship finally sink to the seabed. Luckily, no one was on the ship as it sank.

"...Nevermind." Hayden changed his tune. Doom Slayer gave a facepalm while Alith rolled his eyes.

"As I was saying, best we wait until my men return. We are not going anywhere further. Unless we have no other choice, we are staying here. Agreed?" Alith questioned. Doom Slayer shrugged. Didn't care, really.

"Hopefully, it won't take much longer."


The sound of the norscan hordes alerted the group. Nearby, a few longships were soon to arrive at the bay. Alith could only feel exasperated at their persistence.

"Oh, come on! Again?!" Alith outraged. "Forget the ships! We're moving by land! Follow me!"

Alith stepped past the Slayer, followed by the Shadow Warriors. Doom Slayer stayed behind, however, and pulled up the Paingiver again. This time, with the Detonate mod in hand. He shot what little missiles there were in the rocket launcher and timed his detonations correctly.

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