Chapter 12 - Origins

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With heavy eyes, Jolis awoke from what felt like a deep slumber. His muscles protested and felt like they were stiff from a prolonged period of inaction as he began to move.

Slowly giving life to his arms and legs, Jolis felt the hard and jagged surface of the ground beneath him. It was cool to the touch and slightly damp. Blinking rapidly as his eyes began to adjust, he noticed a source of light a ways ahead of him. This allowed Jolis to see his situation more clearly.

Even in the darkness—unaware of his current surroundings—there was something strangely familiar about this place.

He recognized the stone floor, the light peering in, the trees which appeared to be waiting for him outside. Jolis recalled entering this cavern while fleeing for his life some time ago.

For all intents and purposes, it felt like another lifetime ago.

As he slowly lifted his head—the muscles in his neck protesting as he did—Jolis was having trouble understanding if he was in a dream or if this was in fact reality.

Using the nearby wall of the cave for support, Jolis slowly stood up. A spot of red on the ground close to him caught his eye.

Taking a closer took at it, he saw that it was blood. The sudden memory of being pursued into the cave with a broken leg and numerous cuts on his body after falling through the canopy of trees to the base of the Low World came to his mind.

That was his blood on the ground.

How much time had passed?

Before Jolis could begin figuring out the answer, the one he recalled as the Master appeared before him. There appeared to be two circular rings of light around the feet of the Master, one within the other. Jolis recalled seeing this at their very first meeting.

Appearing in a simple robe and hood which fully concealed his entire body save his face, the Master's translucent form was different than how Jolis had ever seen it. As he spoke, his voice was calm.

"Are you ready to begin, Jolis?" he asked.

Looking into the eyes of the Master, Jolis began putting the pieces together. The experiences he'd initially thought were dreams were in fact real. He felt the power of the Force within him as he straightened up to his full height.

"I am ready, Master."

"The time has come," replied the Master. "Although your trials are complete, ones training is never truly finished. There is still much for you to learn about the Force but you are ready to face what now awaits you."

"What awaits me?"

"Your destiny, Jolis."

Walking forward, the Master placed his right hand on Jolis' forehead and held it in place for a moment.

"We who are eternal give hope to you and all who follow in your footsteps."

Removing his hand, the Master looked into Jolis' eyes.

"Jolis, you are now the first of a line which will span for 10,000 generations. All future wielders of the Force will trace their origins back to you. Your actions will now echo until the end of time."

Turning towards the source of light ahead of Jolis, the Master continued. "When you leave this place, the Force will be unleashed upon the galaxy. The time of the Great Awakening has come.

"There are other locations, far away planets which are now awakening. Various wellsprings of life will arise and spread our power throughout this galaxy and beyond. Every living breathing being will be touched. As such, you will undoubtedly encounter other sentient beings in your journeys who will be sensitive to my power. Train them, Jolis. Guide them as I have guided you in the ways of the Force."

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