Chapter 8 - Awakening

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His body hung in midair, held up by some invisible form of energy. Jolis could feel his heart beating rapidly as he heaved air in and out of his lungs. In the pitch black cave, the sound of his breathing echoed around him as the voices of many which had once circled around him had seemingly condensed into one as it spoke.

"How do you know my name?" asked Jolis. He could hear his own voice trembling as the words left his mouth.

The voice spoke again. This time, Jolis could feel the surface of his skin vibrating as it did.

"Be not be afraid, young one. I mean you no harm. You're safe now, your pursuers are destroyed and your wounds have been healed."

"How?" asked Jolis. "How are you doing this? Who are you!?"

"Who am I?" said the voice. "Throughout the eons of time, we have gone by many names. The Ashla some have called us. Others have referred to me as Life Wind."

A spark of light appeared before Jolis. The blue luminance started small but began to grow in intensity. Jolis initially squinted his eyes at the sudden display of light. He soon had to close them tightly and cover them with his hands as the brightness continued to grow in the otherwise dark cave.

A sudden bright flash appeared and thundered loudly throughout the cave as it did. As the flash dissipated, Jolis slowly opened his eyes and peered through his hands to see what appeared to be the silhouette of a man.

It stood before Jolis in the darkness surrounded by dual circular rings of light around its feet, one ring within the other. The figure was tall and appeared to be wearing some form of armor with a cloak over top which partially shrouded its features. Although the figure was translucent, there was an air of confidence about it. The figure's stature portrayed that of both ruler and servant.

Its eyes radiated power from its pure white pupils as it stood before Jolis.

"My name matters not, young Jolis. But in this case, you may refer to this form simply as Master."

Jolis shuttered.

"Master, w-why am I here?"

"Because it is our will."

"For what purpose? Are you responsible for the attack?"

The being stared intensely into Jolis' eyes for a brief moment.

"No. We are not responsible, but the actions below have tipped the scale of life out of balance."


The being chuckled.

"Look down, Jolis."

Jolis tilted his head down. Suddenly, the cavern he thought he was in became illuminated with the light of billions of stars. Below them, a large planetary body seemed to float in empty space. Mostly green in color, Jolis noticed its nearby moon—a smaller ocean world with tiny pockets of land—casting a shadow over a section of the planet from the light of the nearby sun.

The sight was breathtaking. Jolis' eyes—unable to stay in one spot for more than a second—jumped from one celestial body to the next in an attempt to soak it all in.

"Atophis, as you call it," said the being as it stared at the planet beneath them.

Jolis looked back at the being, now filled with awe and amazement.

"What are you?"

The figure turned its attention back to Jolis.

"I am the Force, young Jolis, and we are One."

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