Chapter 4 - A Gathering of Minds

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"This is indeed alarming, if what you've said is true."

Emman, the village chieftain, ran his dark skinned fingers through his long black beard as he paced back and forth in his office. Having received an early morning notification from Eeruk about Jolis' attempt to build a transmitter and potentially contact life on other planets, the two now stood before the ruler of the village.

"I saw it with my own eyes, Emman," said Eeruk as he cast a glance down at Jolis who was standing beside him. "Who knows what damage he could've done in his foolishness!"

Turning sharply towards Eeruk, Emman stared at him for a moment before responding.

"An odd choice of words. Young Jolis has accomplished much in the way of advanced technology in a very short amount of time. I feel that it's only natural that such a brilliant mind would want to reach even further."

Eeruk's head jerked back sharply.

"You can't be serious. Are you taking his side on this?"

"I am taking no ones side," Emman snapped back. "I am merely looking at this from all perspectives. Indeed, this could be a very dangerous tool, but it could also be an incredible opportunity for not just the village, but for every tribe and every tongue on Atophis."

Exasperated, Eeruk threw his hands up.

"Oh that's great," replied Eeruk. "Why don't we just take old Ulepi and put him on the radio so he can call out to his so called ancient ones."

"This is no joking matter, Eeruk," replied Emman. "I will make my decision and rest assured, it will be absolute."

"You'll forgive me if I have my doubts," said Eeruk.

Jolis inhaled sharply at the obvious display of disrespect towards Emman.

Perhaps these two have taken issue in the past?

Emman didn't rise to the bait. Being from a long line of Chieftains dating back to the first settlers of the Opachi tribe, Emman was the sole decision maker in the village with absolute power to rule as he saw fit. He had the respect of the people and, more or less, ruled fairly.

"I care for neither your approval nor your doubts, Eeruk," replied Emman calmly. "In fact, please see yourself out. I wish to speak with young Jolis alone."

A grumble came from Eeruk as he gave a sinister look to Jolis before turning and leaving the room.

Slowly walking back over to his desk, Emman took a seat behind it as he motioned for Jolis to sit at one of the two chairs positioned in front of him.

Jolis obeyed and sat down.

"Tell me, Jolis," said Emman as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his fingers in front of him. "What were you planning to accomplish with this device?"

"I..." Jolis stuttered. He'd never been the direct center of attention of the village Chieftain before. Taking a deep breath, he found his voice.

"I think there's something else out there, sir. There has to be," said Jolis. "There could tribes like ours on other planets. If we were to contact them, it could bring a whole new level of technology as well as additional resources to Atophis for all of the tribes."

Emman stared off for a moment as if in deep thought.

"An interesting idea. But even if what you said were to come true, we would have no method of reaching them," said Emman. "We have no way of leaving this planet to reach other potential civilizations. That is, unless you've also designed some secret vessel which can reach the stars."

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