Chapter 6 - Red Skies

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Jolis lay in bed most of the night unable to sleep. Fear had all but seized him as the sound of the voice he'd heard—the likes of which he'd never heard before—replayed in his mind over and over again.

He didn't recognize the language which could mean only one thing: He'd done it. He had contacted sentient life outside of Atophis and was the first in the history of his people to accomplish this feat.

Despite the accomplishment, Jolis was in no mood for celebrations.

The morning had now come and, after slipping into his family's home late last night, he knew he'd have a lot to answer for.

Chieftain Emman's messenger would have undoubtedly come looking for him here. Having discovered that Jolis wasn't there, he would've explained to Jolis' parents what had happened to him both during and after the council meeting. Jolis would also have to explain where he was during that time he had slipped away and why he had V4 shock the messenger.

Overall, Jolis knew he would be in a lot of trouble.

Rolling over in his bed and peeking out the window, Jolis saw the sun rising in the sky which painted the clouds an eerie red color.

He wouldn't be able to hide in his room forever as sooner or later, reality would find him.

Despite all of the trouble which now awaited him, he still had one outstanding problem.

Who should I tell about the voice? I wasn't even supposed to be using the transmitter!

The fear shook him again as Jolis' heart and mind clammed up. He felt as if his stomach were in a vise grip and there was no way to break free.


Jolis slid out of his bed and stood up.

Sliding open the door to his room, he stepped out towards the kitchen area where he knew his father would be at this hour.

He walked slowly down the hall, brushing his hand against the stone wall as he went.

Entering the room, he wasn't surprised to see his father, Torek, sitting and appearing to be waiting.

"I'm glad you decided to come out," said Torek without making eye contact. "Facing your problems head on is often wiser than trying to simply brush them under the rug hoping they go away."

"I'm sorry, Da!" said Jolis as tears began to fall from his eyes. "I don't know what I was thinking!"

"They've already taken all of your tools and components away for the time being," said Torek calmly. "However, I'm gonna have to take it a step further. I need you to shut your droid down."

Jolis was shaking at this point.

"It's not his fault, Da! I...I told him to do it! All of it!"

"It's not a permanent thing," replied Torek. "Just until we can figure out what to do with your little transmitter you've constructed."

At mention of the transmitter, Jolis' knees started to shake as he stood before his father.

"Da...I'm...I'm so s-s-sorry," Jolis stuttered.

Torek, bewildered by the extreme display happening in front of him, couldn't understand why his son was acting in such a manner.

"By the Chief, calm down boy! Once we have all the facts straight, we'll get it sorted out. You did wrong but I'm on your side. Remember that."

Tears were now streaming down Jolis' face. He couldn't think about anything other than that voice he heard. The voice which also mentioned Atophis.

"'s not just that," said Jolis. "I...I did something. Something bad."

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