Chapter 21 - Darkness Unleashed

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"We do not possess the means to open them, my lord."

Impatiently pacing outside of the cage his son was in, Lord Keszen's nerves were wearing thin.

"The control signal should have been turned off by now," Keszen muttered to himself. "What is taking them so long?"

"My lord, shall I take a few warriors and go find Rajm and the others?" asked one warrior. "They could be in trouble."

Keszen peered within the cage to look into the eyes of his son once again. Still seeing the wild look in them, he turned towards the one who'd spoken to him.

"YOU will be in trouble if you do not get this gate open!" Keszen shouted. "Now!"

"Lord Keszen, the gate cannot be opened," he repeated. "We must...we must keep our focus on the mission."

Keszen held the gaze of the warrior before him as he slowly advanced.

"Are you now giving me orders?" Keszen asked; his voice having a sinister tone. "Am I not your Lord and ruler of the Maligi? Or do wish to take that title for yourself?"

"No, my Lord!" replied the warrior as he took a knee before Keszen. "I only ask that..."

The sentence was broken off as the lift they'd taken down to the sub-level suddenly activated. It was heading back up to the surface level where they'd come from.

"Prepare yourselves!" shouted Keszen. "Form a perimeter around the lift. Quickly! Unless it's one of our own, kill anything and everything that comes down here."

As the lift reached the surface, the sounds of numerous footsteps piling onto the lift could be heard.

Keszen, breathing deeply, said aloud, "Steady your hands, my kin."

The lift activated and began its descent. At once, the Maligi warriors could see dozens of forms which were not of their own kind.

Suddenly, another lift which was further down the sub-level activated behind them. Before they could fully react, however, the occupants of the first lift came into view.

"Maligi!" shouted Keszen. "Ato'na!"

The 26 Maligi opened fire on the descending enemies before they'd reached the bottom. Numerous bodies dropped as the occupants had nowhere to hide and no method to conceal themselves. Some, however, jumped the remaining height but landed roughly. They too were quickly put down by the accurate weapon fire from the Maligi warriors.

Before the lift could come to a complete stop, it was already making its way back up.

The other lift behind them had nearly fully descended by the time the Maligi turned to face them. As such, many of the enemy were able to jump off and take cover behind the many cages as they began to return fire.

Engaging the enemy troops, the lift closest to them had reached the top and once was once again making its way down.

"Fall back to behind the lift!" shouted Keszen. "Don't let them surround us! Move!"

As the Maligi quickly fell back to a more strategic position, one warrior closest to Keszen was hit by a blaster shot square in the chest, falling backwards and landing lifeless upon the ground.

With both lifts now in front of them, the Maligi were able to better defend themselves as they collectively opened fire on the occupants of the lift closest to them.

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