Chapter 20 - The Reckoning

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The Krayton skimmed through the air with what looked like a very minimal amount of effort. Despite its massive size (or possibly in spite of it), the dragon's wide wingspan caused the ride for those holding on between its shoulder blades to be relatively smooth.

After some time, the euphoric feeling of flying on the back of a dragon wore off for Lord Keszen. He knew that the very next step ahead for the group was battle and as such, he prepared his warriors.

"Ready your hearts, guardians of Maligi," he shouted. "The enemy will outnumber us but when they see the Maligi on their doorstep, their icy fingers will remind them of the droves they lost when they attacked our people. The enemy will charge at us, but they will fall upon our weapons like rain upon stone. The enemy will be relentless but we will drive a sword straight through their heart today!"

The 25 warriors all cheered as they also beat against their armor with their fists. Zekiel also felt the energy as he gave Keszen a slow round of applause.

V4—wheeling itself up towards where both Jolis and Rajm were located at the base of the dragon's neck—offered his input.

"Master, I have been processing the situation and have calculated our odds of success. They are approximately..."

"V4," Jolis interrupted. "Now's not really the time for that."

"He's right, little droid," said Rajm. "The group needs hope, not statistics and calculations."

"Oh, then I sincerely apologize," replied V4. "It appears that you're too busy...steering a dragon. Perhaps I'll just stay quiet. You know, and enjoy the ride."

At once, the droid wheeled itself back alongside Zekiel.

"Don't mind him," Jolis said to Rajm. "He's had a mind of his own after living on backup power for about 10 years."

Rajm didn't respond. He only observed Jolis as he appeared to be focused on something.

"How do you know where to go, Master Jolis? The command ship could be anywhere over Atophis. Is the Force guiding you?"

"Technically it already did," replied Jolis. "I had a vision of where we're going and I'm just following that."

"But what if this vision is wrong?"

"They rarely are," said Jolis. "That comes from trusting that the Force will guide us, Rajm."

Kneeling down, Jolis placed his hand on the hide of the dragon and closed his eyes.

"Feeling the Force around you first begins with being able to feel it within yourself," he said. "I'd like you to try something. Take your hand and place it on the dragon."

Rajm appeared unsure at first but slowly knelt down and did as instructed.

"Now close your eyes and let your mind reach outward towards the beast. Slow your breathing, concentrate on the moment and focus on the connection between this dragon and the Force."

For a moment, Rajm was silent as Jolis watched intently. He could sense however that Rajm was trying too hard.

"It's a natural connection," he replied to Rajm. "Let it flow through you. Don't try to force it. Focus, breathe and let go."

Rajm readjusted his position and took a deep breath. Closing his eyes again, Rajm appeared much more relaxed this time as Jolis observed him taking slow but deep breaths.

"Sense the connection of the Force," said Jolis. "Feel it around you. Then, look inward."

"What does the connection feel like?" asked Rajm.

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