Chapter 18 - For the Lost

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It didn't take long for Lord Keszen to inform his elite guard about the rescue mission he would personally be undertaking. Aside from believing it was an absolutely foolish endeavor, each and every one of his guard—the same warriors who had greeted Jolis upon entering the Maligi camp—volunteered to accompany him on the mission.

"The bonds we share within the Maligi tribe are that of unity, honor and strength. This is our way. Tomorrow, we will bring about the safe return of our people or we will die fighting for them. Tomorrow, we will once again prove that our foes have known no greater enemy!"

Keszen's words inspired several cheers from the nearly three dozen armor-clad warriors. He then selected 25 warriors to join him with the remaining to be left behind to protect the village during the mission.

Each of them went about in preparing for the coming mission in their own way. From cleaning weapons to sharpening swords to spending time with what few loved ones remained, many of them knew this could potentially be a one way trip.

The night before the group set out for the southern salt plains, Lord Keszen met with Rajm, Jolis and Zekiel in his tent to go over the battle plan.

"All of this depends on our village mystic to be able to conjure up the ability to tame a Krayton," expressed Keszen. "I still have my doubts but as you said, there is no other way. I will put my trust in you and your Force for the time being."

Jolis nodded in agreement.

"That's all I can ask for. From there, we will..." Jolis cleared his throat, "...ride on the back of the Krayton which will take us to the command ship."

Everyone in the room could be seen shaking their heads.

"Look, it sounds way worse when I say it out loud," replied Jolis. "Just have faith and well, use your imagination."

"I believe in you, Master Jolis," said Rajm even as Keszen could be seen rolling his eyes.

"From there," Jolis continued, "we will board the command vessel. V4 and I will find a way to disable the control device's comm signal which will then give Keszen and Rajm the ability to free the villagers. Keszen's guards will provide security throughout the mission. We will then egress the vessel using"

Lord Keszen slowly put his head in his hands.

"The more you speak, the more I think this mission is lunacy."

"There is one important matter we must discuss," Zekiel added. "Disabling the communication signal of the control devices will require you to go deep into the heart of the vessel. That vessel is a labyrinth of hallways, strange rooms and various levels. If you are not familiar with the layout, you will get lost very easily. I know that I am not one of your tribesmen but you will need me to accompany you."

Keszen immediately objected.

"I am suddenly suspicious of you, Zabrak. How do I know you're not leading us all into a trap? This mission is dependent upon the accuracy of the information you provided. This very well could be an elaborate ruse to get all of us in one spot and to leave this camp and the hundreds of survivors within it relatively unprotected."

Zekiel lowered his brow as his demeanor noticeably changed.

Turning towards Keszen, he responded, "My Lord, right now the people in this camp are about the only family I have left. You have freed me from a life of internal imprisonment. I cannot go back and save my family. But if I can be of assistance in returning your family to you and to the families all across this planet, then you have my allegiance."

Keszen—seemingly satisfied with the answer—nodded in agreement.

"You are good with words, Zabrak. We will see where your true loyalties lie."

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