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I went downstairs looking for Carter. "What's going on? What happened?" Carter asked as he came over to me. "Atlanta is in trouble. Not the full Atlanta but only the part of Atlanta that deals with Michael." I told him. "Huh?" He asked confused. "Stacy's dad, also my godfather, is a Malone and-" "A MALONE?!?" Carter shouted. "Look, listen. He wants to work with Jay to take out Michael." I told him. "This whole taking out Michael thing would be so much easier if your folks wasn't part of the Malone Mafia." Carter said. "Listen, we have to keep Jay from meeting Clevis Malone. He's my godfather and the leader of that Mafia. If he finds Jay and they get together-" "I'm glad you two are up." Jay said as he walked through the door. And guess who was behind him. Yeah, that right. My my godfather. "I have a different plan for Michael." He said with a grin.

"Lena." My God dad said. "I thought we talked about this." I told him. "Yes and like I told Stacia, no one messes with a Malone. Let alone his daughters." He said. "Loving the attitude Mr. Malone." Jay said. "Please, call me Clevis." He said. "What about innocent people?" I asked. "Don't worry Selena. We'll get someone to send a warning out to the innocent folk and let them know to lock all doors and keep all children hidden." My godfather said. "I'll start on that. Where's Dee?" Carter asked. "Yeah, major plot twist. Dee and Asia are cousins. She's the one who let me know where Michael stayed." Jay said. "You're actually trusting her?" I asked Jay. "Oh don't worry at all Lena. Stacia has this cousin who is all for family. He's gonna be watching this Asia girl like a hawk." My godfather said.

"Who's the cousin?" I asked. In came the most deadliest feminine man in the world. Malcom Malone. "That would be me Ms. Girl." He said. He walked over and gave me a hug. "You know I gets the job done and then some." He said. "Ouu, who is this?" He said eyeballing Carter. "I'm .... uh ....." Carter said. "Malcom you're here to help not flirt with straight guys." Clevis said. Me and Malcom giggled. "Where's Stacy?" Malcom asked. "Stacia is at the house with Linda. You're gonna stay here with Selena while me, Jay, and Carter go handle some things. You got your pistol with you?" Clevis asked. "I never go anywhere without it." Malcom said. "That's the Malone I know." Clevis said before walking out the door. "We'll be back later shorty." Jay said before kissing my forehead. Carter waved before following them out the door and closing it.

"I say we beat Asia ass." Malcom said. "I did, it ain't no fun in it." I said making him laugh. "Of course it's not." Malcom said. "Well sis, Jay told me there's some bruises here. I wanna take a look if it's okay with you. I just need to see the damage they did to you, so I can know the damage to do to them." He said. "Um, sure." I led him up to my room and showed him everything. "Let's go. I'm taking you to the hospital. We need to check you for diseases." He said as he grabbed his purse and my hand. "It's okay to be nervous hun. I'll ask for a female doctor for you." He said.


"Compared to other assaults, these are slight bruises. They will go away soon but to get rid of the vaginal and pain in the buttocks, you'll need to use this everything you shower." The doctor said as she handed me a tube of ointment. "Also, I don't know if this is a good thing or not but Ms. Berry, you are pregnant." She said. I looked at Malcom, he looked at me, we were looking at each other. "No, that's impossible. The attack happened days ago." Malcom said. "Have you had any sexual contact with anyone else before the attack Ms. Berry?" The doc asked. "A few weeks ago, with my boyfriend yes." I told her. "Unprotected?" She asked. I nodded my head yes. "Well, congratulations. We can schedule an appointment for the baby to see if it's okay but if you're not sure you want to keep it we can wait until then." The doc said. "I'm keeping my baby. This is my first child." I said placing my hand on my stomach. "Okay then. Let me see if I can get something scheduled then." The doc said before leaving out. "Congrats girl, team girl all the way." Malcom said. "Team girl indeed." I said smiling.

Later that night

"Are you sure this is where work girl?" Clevis asked Asia. "Yes. It is, this is where he told me he worked." She said. "There he is." Carter said pointing him out. "Don't make a move. We just seeing who he around and who works with him." Clevis said. "Dude is that Zem?" Dee asked. "Yeah, what the fuck he doing wit the op?" I yelled. I unlocked the car door but Clevis grabbed me. "Not yet Jay. We don't strike today, at least you know your boy is working for Michael." Clevis said. "When do we attack?" Carter asked. "Pay attention." Clevis said. We saw a few cars pull up around the building when Clevis had got a call. "You see him? He's right there in the brown suit. No! Don't move. Just remember his face." He said before hanging the phone up. "That was my nephew Clayton. He and his brothers and sisters are all out here. Got the place surrounded. They're gonna keep watch, while me and my brothers go and do our shit. With the help of you and your folks of course." Clevis said.

Asia pulled out the parking lot and we went to the Mafia headquarters.

I walked inside the building and looked around. "Your boy thinks he's slick Zem. He's got us surrounded by the Malone Mafia but fails to realize we have something more powerful." I told him. "And what's that?" Zem asked. "My power of course. The Shadow Empire."

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