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"Thank you for dropping me off." I told Carter as we pulled up in front of my office building. "Dropping you off? Girl I'm staying here with you." He said as he cut the car off. "Don't be trynna flirt with my workers or clients." I told him as I got out the car. "Girl who do you take me for?" He said. He held the door open for me, allowing me to walk in ahead of him. "Why are you here then?" I asked him. "To make sure nothing happens to my pregnant sister." He said as he followed me to my office. "Excuse me, Ms. Berry. You have a visitor up there by the name of Raymond Stone. He said he's an investigator." Kelly said. "An investigator?" I asked as I went up to the elevator. When I got off, I saw some dude who was standing  in front of my door.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" I asked him. "Yes, I'm looking for Selena Berry-" He started to say until he looked up and saw Carter. "C-Carter?" He asked. "You two know each other?" I asked. "Yeah. Lena you go in your office while I talk to Raymond." I did as told and sat behind my desk.

"What's up, Zem. It's a shocker to see you here, you know? After not being around to help Jay out with everything that's been going on." I said. He hesitated before talking, it was obvious he was nervous. "Where you been? Bro." I said. "I've been laying low, staying away from trouble. I got a daughter on the way and I don't want her around the life I use to live." He said. "So, that's the lie Michael told you to tell huh?" I asked as I moved closer to him. "Huh?" Zem asking dumb. "After all Jay did for you. Put a roof over your moms head, gave your daughter Zelina money everyday before going to school,  bailed you out of jail I don't know how many times. You gon turn around and backstab him for a nigga who's using you? Jay paid your rent before buying you a house. Give me one good reason, I shouldn't take your head off your body." I said. He looked up and then back at me. I knocked on Selena's door and said. "Sis, cut your cameras off right quick." After hearing her give me the okay, I swung on Zem. Not stopping, not caring who was watching. I just went in.

I felt tiny hands grab me and pull me off him. It was Selena and her assistant Kelly. "You're lucky the cameras are off." She told me. "Who is this?" She asked. "This is Zem, one of Jay's old boys. He's working for Michael now." I said before kicking him. "What?!" Lena yelled. "Ms. Berry, I don't think it's safe for you to come in to work until your baby is here. You can't afford to get hurt." Kelly said. "Kelly is right. Get someone to work with this building Til everything is over and done with." I said. "And you get out!" I jumped at Zem, causing him to flinch then leave. "Sis, I'm taking you back home now." I said as I grabbed her arm. "Can I get my purse first?" She asked. I nodded and waited for her. "You got this while she's out?" I asked Kelly. "Yeah, I got it under control. Thank you for being here with her." She said. She was gorgeous. Her eyes were gentle and brown. "Anytime. I'll leave my number by your desk, call me if anything goes wrong or he comes back." I said. She smiled and nodded and we all went separate ways.


"So, Selena is pregnant huh?" I asked as I sat behind my desk. "Yes sir." Zem said as he stood in front of me. "Well, that makes everything better. Get me my cell phone please. I need to make a phone call." I said. He nodded and went go and grab my backup phone for me. Selena didn't know about this phone, so it isn't saved in hers. "Hello?" She said as she answered. "Congrats on the new baby." I said. "How'd you get my number?" She asked. "I never forgot it." I said. "Michael?!" She yelled panicking. "Calm down, I'm here to to make a deal." I said. "I'd rather make one with the Devil." She said. "Well consider it done. I'll call off my guys, if you call off yours." I told her. "Fine." She said. "But that's not all." I told her before she hung up. "There's nothing more I have to offer." She said. "Sure it is. I hope you didn't think calling off your Mafia was the entire deal." I said giggling. "No, no you have something more valuable. Something I've always wanted but never gotten, that is until now." I said. "And what's that?" She asked. "Your child." I told her. "Excuse me!" She snapped.

"I will call off my men if you call off yours AND sell me that child." I told her. "Never!" She said. "My child will not be raised by a monster like you! I'm glad it's not yours!" She yelled. "Wrong answer Selena. Now you've pushed me to the other deal. It's either Jay or the baby. And you'd want to choose carefully, because if I kill you after that baby drops I can easily get the baby. So which will it be Selena? Your lover or your child." I said. "You can try but you'll never get either! Jay will find you and kill you. If he won't I will." She said. "Your threats amuse me. You have until Monday to give me your answer. Oh and Selena, it's Sunday." I said before hanging up.

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