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A Month Later

"Jay? That's you in the kitchen?" I asked as I walked down the stairs. I still haven't told him that I was pregnant, though you couldn't tell. I had a tiny poke but not one you would automatically notice. "Yeah, me and Carter." He said. I walked in the kitchen and saw both of them eating. "Y'all eating without me!" I joked. "Calm down fatty." Carter said as he grabbed me a plate. Okay so, I sorta kinda told Carter I was pregnant a few weeks ago. But he promised to keep it a secret Til I tell Jay myself.

"Bro what the fuck is wrong with you?" Carter yelled as he looked in my room. "Who the fuck told you to eat my shit!?" I laughed at his seriousness. "Calm down. I'll buy you more." I said as I got off my bed and throw the plate away. "Besides, two people in one body? I'm bound to be hungry." I said as I threw the plate in the trash. "Two people in one body? Oh my God, you're pregnant!" He yelled. I ran to him and covered his mouth. "Shhh! I haven't told Jay yet damn." I told him. "Hell no, I'm telling Jay." Carter said. I karate chopped him in the back and he fell on the floor ... so dramatic. "I wanna be the one to tell him." I told him. "Okay damn! Jackie Chan ass." He said as he got off the floor. "Keep the fucking food, I'm pressing charges." He said before walking down the stairs.

I laughed at the memory and grabbed the plate that was fixed for me. "Thank you." I told him before sitting next to Jay. "Carter told me how you stole his food the other day." Jay said laughing. "You just been eating your ass off lately." He said. He looked at me and placed his hand on my stomach. He jumped at the touch of the tiny lump that was there. "Wait a minute. You're-" "Pregnant, yeah. I am." I said cutting him off. He looked at me then at Carter. "Mines right?" He asked. I nodded which made him smile and kiss me. "When were you gonna tell me?" He asked. "Well, I wanted to tell you over a nice little dinner and movie." I told him. "Shit my bad." Jay said. "So, how far along are you?" He asked. "A month." I told him. "Fat ass ate my shit." Carter complained making me and Jay laugh. We heard the front door open and was about to see who it was Til he came in. "Hello people." Malcom said as he and Stacy walked in the kitchen.

"Hey y'all." I said as I hugged them. "Hey pregnant woman." Malcom said. "So, everybody knew except me huh?" Jay asked as he got up and wrapped his arm around my neck. "I wanted it to be romantic." I repeated with a giggle. "So, you two are finally a thing now?" Stacy asked. "Well, he never really asked so." I teased. "I'll knock all this shit over." Jay said causing us all to laugh. "Anyways, Lena girl we gotta go." Malcom said. "Why?" I asked. "Cause dad is outside and he wants to talk with Jay and Carter." Stacy said. "Is everything okay?" I asked. "Yeah, we just talking business." Jay said. "Jay, I don't want none of this around my baby." I said holding my stomach. "Trust me, it's not what you're thinking." He said. He kissed my forehead before I let out the house with Malcom and Stacy.

"Dude, why did you lie to her?" Carter asked. "I don't want her stressing out about this Michael shit. She's been calm and quiet since all that shit went down. And now that I know she's pregnant, I need to get Michael ass out the way before he finds out." I said. Clevis and Dee came walking in the kitchen. Behind them were some of Clevis nephews. "What's going on?" I asked as I dapped them up. "Word is my darling goddaughter is pregnant." Clevis said. "Yeah she is. She's a month pregnant with my child." I said. "Which is fine and all but we have an issue. Michael has this empire called Shadow Empire and he got his boys working undercover for him. Searching for Selena. Asia informed me of this round 2 last night." Clevis said. "What do you need for my boys to do?" I asked.

"Carter needs to be Selena's body guard while she's at work. Michael is sending one of his guys, by the name of Raymond Stone, to make a pop up at her business and act as if he's looking for floral or whatever it is she has there. He's gonna kill her or at least kidnap her." Clevis said. "Raymond Stone? Yo, that's Zem!" Dee said. "That's Zem's real name. He gon really turn on us like that!" Dee snapped. "Don't worry. What time Lena goes in for work?" Carter asked. "She should be on her way back here cause she has to leave in an hour or so." I told him. He nodded and went up to take a shower. "Jay, this is my nephew Slim. He's gonna be with you and Dee at all times. My brother Larry will be with me and Linda. Seth will be with Stacy at all times. We can't afford to take no chances." Clevis said. "And Asia?" Dee asked. "Malcom has her under control." Clevis said.

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