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A/N: This is a time jump so please don't be confused ... enjoy !!!!

9 Months Later
"So, what did you name the little fella?" Dad asked. "Dad it's a girl, and her name is Zamia." I told him. "Zamia huh?" Stacy asked. "Yeah." I said as I smiled. "Where's Jay?" I asked looking around the hospital room. "He's coming, trust me. Him, Carter, and Dee are on their way." And the minute Stacy said that, all three of them came through the door. "Where's my boy?" Jay joked knowing it was a girl. "It's a girl." I said. "I thought for sure the doctors were wrong." He said before kissing my forehead and then the baby's. "Hey Princess. I'm your daddy." He said. "And I'm your Uncle Dee, the rich one." He said making us laugh. "And I'm your Uncle Carter." Carter said. "The mean one." Dad joked making us all laugh.

I woke up in disappointment. Some dream huh? I looked at the clock and it read 1:40 a.m. This was the 3rd time this week I woke up out my sleep. This is the hundredth time I dreamt about me giving birth. I was 9 months pregnant and yet my due date seemed to be 100 days away. I got up and slid my slippers on getting ready to go into the kitchen. "Where you going?" Jay asked as he turned on the lamp. "I'm going to get some water that's all." I told him. Our life has been peaceful since the whole Michael thing went down. Carter was now my personal body guard whenever I went in for work, him and Kelly have they thing going. Dee and Stacy are, I guess you can say, a couple. My godparents and the rest of the Mafia are under hiding right now.

Apparently Michael knew some pretty important people and I guess word got out the the Mafia war few months back. Jay is currently be a stay at home dad. He wants me to hire him to be the manager of my businesses but come on, him and Carter together in the same place is so not a good idea. And Malcom? I haven't heard from him or Asia, I believe they got killed in the cross fire. "No you're not. Lay back down, I'll go and get the water." He said as he got out the bed. Oh yea, did I mention how overprotective Jay is? He doesn't even want me to walk down the stairs by myself. I mean I get, at 9 months I should be on bed rest but the first 2-8 months I was fine.

"Jay, walking is good for pregnant people." I told him. "Too late." He said as he got up and walked out to the kitchen. I giggled and got back into the bed. The minute I laid down I felt a sharp ass pain. "Fuck." I yelled out as I felt my water break. "What?!" Jay yelled as he ran back up to the room. "The baby, it's coming." I told him. "What the fuck?!?" He shrieked. "It ain't pose to be due til 9 months!" He said. "It is 9 months!" I yelled back. "Fuck okay, okay fuck!" He said. "Jay!" I yelled. "Alright!" He yelled back as he grabbed his keys. "Okay, maybe if we wet the stairs, you can easily slide down them-" "JAMAL!" I yelled. "What the fuck?" He said looking surprised as hell.

"If you don't get me to the hospital before this baby drop, ima drop you!" I told him. Lord just had to bless me with a baby father like Jay. The ride to the hospital was number one hilarious cause Jay was freaking out the whole way there and number two painful like ugh. Never again I tell ya.


The pain of pushing out a fat baby. "Congrats Ms. Berry, it's a girl." The doctor said. "Thank you but doc if I pushed the child out already, why am I still in pain?" I asked. Jay was there holding my hand, waiting for a response. "Oh my. Okay Ms. Berry, we're gonna need another push. Looks like you're having twins." The doctor said. OH YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!

A good hour had passed before the second child was here. "It's a boy." The doctor said. "Yes!" Jay shouted. "Can we hold them?" I asked her. She nodded her head and went to go and grab the other baby. After cleaning them up and wrapping them in small blankets, I finally got hold my babies. I couldn't help but cry at the sight. "They're so tiny." I said as I bounced them. "I wanna grab one, I don't know which one." Jay said. "Hand me my Princess." He said. He grabbed the girl gently out of my arms. "What will we name them?" He asked. "I want something different. Something nobody has thought of before." I told him.

"Zhalil. Zhalil and Zamia Sanders." Jay said. "Zhalil and Zamia? I love it. That's different baby." I said. It wasn't long til the family started to appear and see the babies. "Oh, they're just the cutest." Stacy said. We all conversed amongst each other. Life was easier now, I was at ease knowing that my babies would not be taken away from me by some no set maniac. I was finally happy, and I finally had the family I needed.

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