Party Poison (No I Cant Come Up With A Better Name)

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For: midnightgee sorry it took so longgg, anyway I hope you like it :)

Your POV

I ran quickly through the dry desert, cringing when the sun got in my eyes. I was running from bli, I had lost my gun so I couldn't shoot them. My legs were starting to get tired and I could hardly run anymore but that didnt really matter because I fell rouphly to the ground when one of the dracs shot my leg. When I hit the ground I groaned, it hurt so ducking bad. The bli caught up with me, one of them picked me up, I tried to struggle but it was no use, I was way to weak, they through me in there van thingy and drove off. There was one sitting beside me, they reached in to a bag and pulled out a big ass needle, 'fuck' I thought. Before I could do anything they slammed the needle into my arm and I blacked out.

When I woke up I was chained to A wall with my mouth gaged. I started struggling, after about an hour of struggling I stopped, I couldn't get lose. After about 2 hours later korse came in the room. He was trying to make me tell him were the fabulous killjoys were. At first it was just him asking then it turned to torture, endless hours of torture.

It went on like that for about 3 years. I thought it would never stop. One day I woke up to fighting, a lot of fighting, more then normal. Just then party bursted through the door looking pissed as fuck but when he locked eyes with me his face softend.

"(Y/n)?" He asked, I nodded the best I could. Party ran up to me. "Holy fuck, what did they do to you?" Party asked, taking out a blade and cutting the tops that kept me against the wall. I wanted to answer but I couldn't because, yes, they even sliced up my tongue. I stuck out my tongue to show him I couldn't tale.

"Fuck (y/n), I'm so fucking sorry" party said. Once I was free from the ropes party pulled me into a gentle hug, I winced when he touched my wounds but I hugged him back tightly, I could care less about my wounds. Party pulled away from the hug but put his hands on my cheeks, his thumb lightly stroked my cheeks. He then gently pulled my face closer to his and AMD connected our lips in a gentle kiss. At first I was shocked but kissed back.

After a couple minutes we had to pull away for air. Party lightly placed his for head on mine. "I love you" party spoke quietly. I smiled, it hurt but I still did it, it was the first time I was actually happy in 3 years. Party smiled back. Party pulled his head away from mine, and brought his hand up to my hair, his finger tips ran through my long hair. I closed my eyes, it felt nice, it felt really nice.

"Come on, let's go home and get you cleaned up"

Omfg I like this one so much I just might make it into a fan fiction, what do y'all think of that?

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