teacher way

575 5 14

For midnightgee

Warning: depression, bullieing.

Your POV

"Your such an emo whore" said Katy, one of my bullies. Her stupid friends laughed. I felt like crying but I know I couldn't.

"Ooooh are you gonna go crying to Mr way know" said Luke, Katy's boyfriend.
I tried to walk away but one of Katy's friends tripped me making me spill all my books.

The bell rang. They all went to class. I sighed in relise as I started picking up my books and putting them back in my bag. I walked over to my locker and put my things in it.

'Mr way doesn't have any class right know' I thought starting to walk to Mr ways class room but I stopped.

'No I shouldt bug him' I thought again.
'But Mrs spa hates me and I have her class next' I decided to go to Mr ways class.

When I reached his class I nocked on the door and waited. "Come in" I heard someone say and instantly know it was Mr way.

I opend the door, walked in then closed the door. " oh (y/n) why are you here? Are you OK?" He asked sounding concerned.

(BTW your 18 in this and Gerard is 20)

He got up from his desk and walked over to me. I started to get scared, I started to shake.

I turned around and went to run to the door to hide away in the bathroom but Mr way grabbed my arm before I got the chance to.

Know I started to get really scared. He pulled me over to his desk and sat me down on a chair.

"What's wrong (y/n)?" I sighed and told him what has been going on.

20 min time skip

I told him what had happened and he was shocked. He said he was gonna tell the police cuz thats not OK.
By then I was sobbing.

Mr way pulled me to his chest and ran his fingers through my hair. Once I calmed down he pulled me out of his chest and stared into my eyes with his pretty hazel ones.

Mr way started to lean closer and he kissed me. I tensed but then relaxed and put my hand on his cheek.

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