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All I could see was red. Lana stood over me laughing. Thomas helped me off the ground.

"Your gonna be sorry." I scoff.

"I'm so scared!" She says sarcastically.

"She just wants attention." Thomas wispers in my ear.

I take a step forward and get up right in Lana's face. "Say that again." I plead.

"I don't fear you." She says.

"Oh honey, but you should." I smirk then grab her hair and slam her to the ground. I then throw a punch to her face, again, and again. I grab her arm and then pin it behind her back. There was blood on the floor, on my hands, and dripping from Lana's face. She struggled underneath me, I leaned down to her ear. "I would be embarrassed to be you. I'm surprised I haven't seen you with shaky legs yet. I though you would have begged on your hands and knees for Draco to fuck you." I whisper then get up. I kick her once more then attempt to walk off, but Draco grabs my arm and pulls me into him.

He leaned his mouth next to my ear. "What did you say to her?" He asked in a harsh tone.

"Oh amore, questo è per me da sapere e per te da scoprire" I whisper, then walk off like nothing happened.

(Oh love, this is for me to know and for you to discover.)


The next morning I woke up to a scorching headache. I sat up then saw Mattheo and Draco sitting on the couch next to my bed. I swear I had an outer body experience when I saw them.

"What the bloody hell! You can't scare me like that!" I yell.

"What were you doing with that guy at the party last night?" Draco asks.

"Nothing, we were just dancing. Just like you and Lana were." I sigh.

"Oh sure... I wasn't grinding on Lana. It was just dancing." Draco spat.

"It's just platonic... right? And get the hell out. I have a headache and I don't need you two ass-hats to give me a bigger one." I say.

"Take some medicine, you'll feel better darling." Mattheo says kissing my forehead and heading for the door. "I will stop by later to check on you."

"Okay." I reply.

Mattheo walked out leaving me alone with Draco. He stood at the food of the bed, his arms crossed, giving me the coldest stare. If looks could kill.

"There's the door." I say pointing to the door.

He didn't move. It was like his feet were glued to the ground.

"There's the door bitch!" I yelled.

(Haha see what I did there... I hope you get the joke🥲)

He finally moved, but not towards the door. Asshole. Draco walked over to me, he gripped my face and lightly pressed his lips against mine. I pushed his chest away and he didn't even flinch. Ugh. I didn't want to kiss him back, not after the stunts he keeps pulling. I grab his wrist and attempt to pull it away. I got his wrist away for a second allowing me to slip away.

"What the actual fuck Malfoy!" I yell.

"You looked like you needed a kiss." He smirked.

He then walked out of my dorm, slamming the door.

"Bipolar ass..." I mumble.


I was sitting in the courtyard writing in my diary.

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