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I walked out of my room and into the dark hallway. Noise came from downstairs and I felt nerves take over me. Slowly making my way down the stairs and into the kitchen I hear a few more voices than expected.

"It is so good to see you Mrs. Malfoy." A girl says.


Out of everyone in the world it had to be her here. They didn't even bother to tell me she was coming...

I walked into the kitchen and see Lana clinging onto Draco like a sloth to a tree. She wore a long black velvet dress with plain black heels. Basic. Narcissa stood with Lucius just a few feet away talking.

"Apsen dear, you look beautiful." Narcissa says.

"Thank you. Good to see you Lana." I say giving a weak smile.

"You as well." She says forcing kindness.

"Let's sit." Lucius says.

As we all sat around the table daggers were thrown at me from Lana's eyes. If I could die from imaginary things I would be dead. Draco would glance over but not often. 

I was surprised with dinner, chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy. 

"It tastes wonderful." I say.

"Thank you dear." Narcissa says.

"How have you been Aspen? I haven't seen your father in a while to catch up." Lucius says.

"I've been well. Actually, I'm getting married soon." I say smiling.

"I see... Draco has told me many things about it. Ace Stone I believe?" Lucius explains.

Lana looked over at Draco then me with rage. Draco looked a little embarrassed which made me laugh a bit. 

"Yes. He is a very sweet man, I'm very lucky." I say.

"I'm so happy for you. You found a man that treats you like a true queen." Narcissa says eyeing Draco.

"Absolutaly." I reply.

"Anyways, lets talk about Lana. Anything we should tell them Lana?" Draco asks.

"Draco and I are dating!" Lana announces. 

Lucius and Narcissa went wide eyed. Hilarious. I found it quite funny but I kept quite and pretended to not care. Even though I found it funny I still felt hurt. He left me for this bitch then just boom! Moved on without a care in the world. 

A/N: I KNOW IT HAS BEEN A HOT MINUTE BUT IM BACK! Also sorry this is so short but the next chapter will be eventful so stay tuned... (;

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