T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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This chapter is starting exactly where the last chapter ended.

I laid next to Mattheo and replayed what happened in my mind. I'm in some deep shit.

My body felt normal, which I suspected to feel weird after losing my virginity. I sat up and put on my clothes, Mattheo did too. "So... how was your first time?" He asks worried. "It was incredible." I say smiling. He sighed in relief and walked over to me. Pulling me in by the waist, he kissed me softly.

I pulled away and grabbed my wand and bag. "I would love to stay and enjoy every bit of this but my mother is expecting me to meet her." I say annoyed. He sighed but kissed me again. "Go have fun with your mum kitten."

My mom asked me to meet her at a local Cafe. I walked inside to see it filled with people. The smell of coffee filled my nose making me smile. Chatter made it even more pleasant. Rain pounded on the glass and just made it perfect. My mom sat in the corner with two coffees.

"Hey mom." I smile while sitting down.

"Hello sweetheart, how are you feeling?" She asks while taking a sip of coffee.

"I'm good," I sigh thinking about today, "Very good.

"That's wonderful. Only 6 days until the wedding! Are you excited?" If only she knew.

"Yes, it is gonna be amazing!" I lie.

She grabs my hand with a reassuring smile. "I'm so happy for you Aspen. Finally my little girl is turning into a women."

I laughed to myself. Yeah, a women. A women who is a cheater and a murder, a terrible daughter and sister. "I'm doing this for you mom. Not me, or Theo, or dad. I don't want this, but if this makes you happy. That's what matters." I mutter quietly staring out the window.

She shook her head disapprovingly. "Really? This again. I thought we got over this!"

I stood up and straightened up my jacket. "I'll see you at the wedding."

Each day went by slowly. I sat around and enjoyed these last few days before chaos takes over. Now less than 24 hours until the wedding, panic set in.

Draco sat at the edge of my bed with his head in his hands. "I'm worried Aspen. This just doesn't seem right."

I chuckled to myself and cupped his face in my hands, then kissing his forehead. "Don't worry, I can handle myself."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my chest. I rubbed his back and hummed softly making him tired. Suddenly he lifted me up and placed me on the bed, then climbed on top of me and melted into me. "Am I just your like- human pillow now?" I question laughing.

He hummed in response. After a little while of laying down peacefully, I fell asleep as well as Draco.

A/N: Y'all I've been gone for awhile I know... but I'm back so yay!!!!m! I took a break for the holidays and my mental health- I hope everyone had an amazing holiday season and a happy new year <3

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