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A/N: I will be calling Theodore, Theo because Mattheo is not in the following text.

After apparating with Theodore, we stood in front of our house. Theo and I walked up the driveway leading to the front door. 

"What do you think is gonna happen?" 

"I wouldn't even be close with a wild guess." Theo sighs.

Theo pushes open the front doors, and there stood one of our house elf's Athena. 

"Oh my! Welcome home Aspen and Theodore, your parents and the guests are in the Lounge." Athena says.

"Thank you."

Theo and I made our way through the house and we walked into the lounge. There was my mother and father, along with a a couple and what looked to be their son. He looked around my age. Brown slightly curly hair, light brown eyes, and a sharp jawline. 

He wore black dress pants, a white t-shirt, a black blazer, along with black dress shoes

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He wore black dress pants, a white t-shirt, a black blazer, along with black dress shoes. He had a silver watch on and silver rings. Tattoo's peeked out of the blazer sleeve. His mother wore a simple red dress with black heels, she looked very young. His father wore a black tux with plain black dress shoes. They looked expensive, but not like they are wizard world rich. Like muggle rich.

"Hello." I say.

"Hey." Theo says.

"Oh, these are my children Theodore and Aspen." Mother announces. 

"Nice to meet you both, I am Victoria. This is my husband Mason, and my son Ace." 

"You as well." I smile. "Mother, Theo, come with me for a moment."

"Excuse us for a moment." Mother says.

We all walk into the kitchen. 

"Who exactly are these people?" 

"These are The Stones. They are muggle people, but they know about the Wizarding World because they have family who went to Hogwarts." She explains.

"Why are we having dinner with them?" Theo asks.

"Well... We want Ace and you Aspen, to get married." She says.

"What!" I yell.

"Everything alright honey?" Father calls.

"Yep, just one moment!" She yells back. "Now, please be nice to Ace. You too Theo." 

"I though you wanted to continue the pure-blood line?"

"Blood status doesn't matter to your father nor I. Plus we think it will be good for you." She explains.

"Mom, I just broke up with Draco. I don't need another relationship."

"Dear I know it's rough but this is whats happening."

"Mom, Aspen is right. She doesn't need another relationship. The one with Draco was pretty nasty." Theo says.

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