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After pushing him out of the room I didn't know what to do...

What has happened? I've lost him for good and I can do anything to fix it, only sit and watch the plot unfold. How funny, almost like a book. They were best friends in the beginning and grew to love each other. But the love was so powerful it broke each of them until they were nothing but ash.

I felt defeated so I just slid under the covers of my bed and tried to sleep. But when memories flood your mind it's impossible.

I knew where Lucius kept all of his Fire Whiskey so I slowly crept through the halls making my way to a small room with a bar filled with drinks. I grabbed a full bottle of whiskey and made it back to my room.

Nothing like drinking to take away the pain am I right?


I didn't sleep a blink last night. All I did was drink and cry and drink and cry over and over again. Now around 8:00 in the morning I was still drunk but not as bad so I changed into some black shorts and kept on the same t-shirt.

I grabbed another bottle of whiskey last night and drank it until there was only about a quarter left. Grabbing it on the way out of the room I take a sip and make my way down the stairs drunkenly.

Walking into the kitchen for breakfast Narcissa sat at the table with Draco having a conversation. Narcissa spotted me and looked worried.

"Oh my! Why are you drunk?" Narcissa questioned while making her way over to me.

"What is there to do? Getting drunk sounded fun, take all the pain away..." I say laughing weakly.

Draco looked perfectly fine but I know how he felt. Just like I do. "How'd you find my fathers whiskey?" Draco asked standing up.

"Like I don't know my way around the manor!" I say.

Narcissa had grabbed the bottle of whiskey and gave me a glass of water instead. "Dear come with me." Narcissa says while she drags me into the bathroom.


"My dear... I know it hurts. But you cant get drunk like this! It wont take the pain away." She says while wiping my fave with a hot towel.

"I know it wont." I say starting to sober up. "But it makes me thing of other things for the time being."

I could tell Narcissa felt bad and was frustrated. She should feel frustrated. Forced to take care of me and I get drunk on my first night at the manor, I'm a disgrace.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"No worries dear. Just be still for me." She replys.


Narcissa had me in bed and I fell asleep immediately. Finally waking up I check the time, 6:00! Holy shit I slept all day.

I pulled myself out of bed and opened my phone to my messages.

Mattheo Riddle

Can I come over and see you?

Aspen Nott

Whenever you want.

Mattheo Riddle

On the way love.

Okay, now I have to get ready.


It was just Mattheo so I didn't have to be dressed to the nine's, but I still wanted to look decent. 


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"Aspen Dear, would you get the door please." Narcissa ask.

"Sure." I say making my way to the door.

Opening the door I saw Mattheo. "Hey, come in." 

"Hello love, how are you?" He asks walking through the door.

"Good, how about you?" I ask.

"Decent." He replys.

"How about we go to my room?" I suggest.

He nods so we both make our way up the staircase.


I was to open my door when I hear laughing coming from the hall. "I'll be back in a second." I say making my way to where the sound was coming from.

I stopped in front of Draco's door. As I opened the door I was very shocked to see Ace laughing with Draco. "Um..." I say confused. Ace and Draco looked over and Ace gave me a smile and Draco had a face of "What the fuck do you want". Gotta love Draco! 

"I was gonna say hi but I bumped into Draco." Ace says.

"I see that. I'm gonna let you be, I have someone over anyways." I say quickly walk out. 

After shutting the door it quickly opens to an interested Draco and Ace. "Who?" They question.

"Just Mattheo. No need to worry." I laugh awkwardly.

"Oh.." Draco says shutting the door.


"Jeez that was weird." I say shutting my door.

"What?" Mattheo asks.

"My fiance and Draco are hanging out. To be fair they were best friends when they were younger but still." I say with a :| face.

"Oh wow." Mattheo says.

"Anyways, what's up?" I ask.

"I was wondering if you would like to come over to my house for Christmas?" He asks with a small smile brewing.

A/N: Not really a cliffhanger but just a little one... So I hope you like this boring chapter- ok but it was interesting

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