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When I locked eyes with Mattheo I felt fireworks. No- absolutely not. I can't. I quickly look away and put my head down.

I turn to my mother and whisper. "Why are we here?"

"Shush Aspen." She whispers.

"Now that your all here. I will make this simple. Mattheo and Draco, get information on Dumbledore about what he is planning against me. Since you are not at Hogwarts anymore, Aspen, you will be staying at The Malfoy Mannor since we have meetings for Death Eaters there. It will be easier to get information there then your home." Voldemort announces.

I've always hated The Dark Lord but now I really do. Staying at the Malfoy Mannor? Hell no. I rather sleep 6 feet under, alive. Theodore isn't a Death Eater, Voldemort didn't want him to be one. As he said "What a weak rat". But Theo is better off not being a Death Eater than being one. And he surly isn't weak.

"No. I'm not staying at The Mannor. Hell no." I say harshly.

My mom puts her hands on my arm and tugs a bit. "Sweetie. It won't be for long."

"My lord. I would love to take down Dumbledore and help with information but staying at The Malfoy Mannor isn't gonna work." I spat.

"Just deal with it Apsen." Draco huffs.

I turned my head to him and gave him a cold look. "Don't start Malfoy. If your mother heard what you did she would probably kill you like I wanna do now." I say meanly.

"Silence! You will stay at The Mannor if you like or not. Leave, all of you!" Voldemort yells.

Everyone quickly stands up and makes their way out of the room. I stand up but walk right up to Voldemort.

"Yes?" He says.

"If you think your untouchable, your wrong. I would love to rip your cold bloody heart out of your chest, but I would like to see that old tramp Dumbledore die first. Then I will gladly murder you, you filthy son of a bitch." I spat. 


I found myself pacing in my room. Pansy sat on my bed folding clothes and putting them into my trunk.

"It is only for a few months Aspen. I know that you hate him, but he'll be at Hogwarts. You'll only see him at meetings and if he comes home." Pansy says.

"Your not helping. I want to rip his throat out already, if I'm at the Mannor I might end up doing it." I sigh sitting on the bed.

"Just think. You leave for New York next week for Christmas and get to spend time with that hottie Ace." Pansy says giggling.

"He literally was about to fuck a girl when I was on the phone with him! I don't want anything to do with him." I say harshly.

"Ew, ok I hate him. Don't go to New York then." Pansy suggests.

"I'll just tell him I'm not coming." I say.

"Hey Ace." I say.

"What's up?" He asks.

"I can't make it to New York for Christmas. Things have not gone to plan lately." I say.

"Oh. No worries. I have to go so I will talk to you later." He says and hangs up the phone.


"This is your room for the following months." Narcissa says opening a door. She walks in and sets one of my bags on the floor.

(Example of room)

(Example of room)

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"Beautiful." I say.

"If you need anything let me know dear." She says giving me a smile then leaving the room.

I set my trunk on the floor and walk over to the bed. Lying down felt nice, and the bed was basically a cloud. The darkness of the room was actually nice. I felt calm and collected for once in my entire life.

I took a nice hot shower and wrapped a towel around my body. Narcissa said they are having a formal dinner tonight so she wanted everyone to look nice. I stepped out of the bathroom and walked over to the closet. I hung up my clothes earlier today so they wouldn't wrinkle.

I picked out a gray silk midi dress as well as navy blue heels and navy blue earrings

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I picked out a gray silk midi dress as well as navy blue heels and navy blue earrings. I put on a winged eyeliner- nothing bold.

My hair was already straight so I didn't do anything to it. I heard a knock and walked out of my closet. There stood Draco in his normal black suit.

"Just came to tell you dinner is ready." He said awkwardly.

"Thanks, I'll be down in a second."

He left the room and shut the door. I could tell he was looking me over inspecting every inch of me.

Now I just have to face him. It'll be fine...

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