T W E N T Y - T W O

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This chapter contains mature scenes:

After last night I felt good. No one knows that Draco and I made up. We're not dating yet though.

Only six days until the wedding so I need to prepare everything. The ceremony will be held outside in the gardens, I will run away after the I do's and find Voldemort. I will bring him to the basement and kill him. Simple as that. After I finish with him, I will go back upstairs and make sure everyone is still there. Then I will have Draco instead of Ace go up to the alter with me and we'll get married. I've already gone over the plan with him and he's okay with it.


This morning I woke up to an arm draped over me. I turned my body so I was facing Draco and saw he was awake. "Morning darling."

"Good morning." I say admiring him. Heat radiated off his body and kept me warm. It felt good to have that person there. The one you thought got away. "I have plans for today so I need to get ready." I say getting up. "Fine." Draco wines. I walk over to the bathroom and shut the door. I get in the shower and enjoy the water for a few minutes for doing the regular shower routine that everyone does.

I then got out and dried myself off with a towel. The bathroom door opened a crack and Draco set down a flower on the counter. "Aw, Draco!" I say cheerfully. He didn't respond so I made sure to wrap the towel tightly around myself. I opened the door and he was no where to be seen, but what I did see was a note on the dresser.

"Dear Aspen, I had to leave because my father is summoning me at home. I didn't say goodbye because you know how my father is. If I'm not there in the next thirty seconds he'll kill me. I hope you enjoy the rose my love.

Yours truly, D.M"

He really is a dream. I grabbed some clothes and changed into them.

 I grabbed some clothes and changed into them

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I put on a black long sleeve dress and black stiletto boots. I put on my jewelry and perfume and then was reading to go.


Mattheo sat in a chair in the corner of his room. "What's wrong?" He says tilting his head at me. I didn't even realize I was staring off until he said that. "Oh, nothing." To be honest, my brain was in a completely different place. The wedding kept crossing my brain and I wanted to just get it over with. "Princess, don't lie. You know what happens when you lie." He says with a small smirk. My body tensed when he said that. I do know what happens and I love it.

I didn't say anything which caused him to get up and slowly walk over to me. He leaned over me placing both hands on either side of me. "I said, whats wrong." He demands. I swallowed my defeat. "That's it." All I heard was Mattheo whisper something then I was quickly pinned to the bed.

Our faces were inches apart and his breath was hot. "Tell me kitten, why are you sad?" He asks placing kisses along my jaw. I could feel the pit of nervousness build in my stomach. "I'm not sad. Just stressed." I spit out. Mattheo pulled down the collar of my dress and peppered kisses slowly.

"How about we relieve that stress hm?" I nodded in return. "May I take off your dress?" He asks looking at me. "Yes." I say quietly. He pulled me off the bed and pulled up the bottom of my dress and then all the way off of my body. I placed my hands on his chest and kissed him softly. This wasn't some stupid game like you think it would be. Have sex to get back at Draco and so I can brag about it. Nothing of that sort. This is love and I've known that for awhile. Mattheo lit a fire in me and it's never going to burn out.

We kissed each other with such passion and love. I blurted our something that I never thought I'd say again to anyone. "I love you." A smile appeared on his face. Genuine and pure. "I love you too kitten." He whispers while pulling me into him. I pulled off his shirt and ran my hands over his toned chest.  "I need you."

He slipped off his pants and picked me up. "Are you completely sure you wanna do this?" He asks. I looked into his eyes with a smile. "Absolutely." My body was latex on the bed and he climbed on top of me. He started by removing my bra, then my panties. "You are a beautiful woman." Mattheo said as he kissed my stomach. I played with his hair and he made his way up to chest. His tongue swirled around my nipples making a moan escape my lips. "You like that?" He says gripping my other breast and massaged it. I could tell I was soaking, my skin had goosebumps and my body was flush. I gripped Mattheo's face and looked straight at him. "I need you inside of me." I begged.

"Okay, I wanna ask again. Are you absolutely  positive you wanna do this?" He asks worried. "I wouldn't have let you touch me like this if I wasn't." Consent is important and he is being amazing. "Yes or No love. I need a solid answer." "Yes."

"Just so you know, you'll be taking my virginity." I nervously blurt out. He looked wide eyed but softened up. "Thank you for telling me."

(Theo is Mattheos Nickname- not Theo as in Aspens brother)

Mattheo pulled off his boxers and I was shocked. About 8 1/2 inches, wow. "Have you never seen a dick before?" Theo chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not innocent. I've seen plenty full in my time." I say. He leaned over me and spread my legs apart. I was nervous and anxious, and I'm pretty positive it was visible. "My love, don't worry. You are perfect in every way. Tell me if it hurts okay, and tell me to stop if you need." He reassured me. Theo put his hands on either side of me, positioning himself. I felt the tip against my virgin hole. This is it, all my innocence will be gone and I'll be nothing but a sinner.

He pushed his dick into my pussy and my breath hitched. "You okay?" He questions. "I'm okay, just shock." It felt huge inside of me, filling me to the brim. As he pushed it in further it hurt a bit but the pain subsided. It started to feel good. Once he was all the way in he stopped so I could get used to his size. "You feel so good." I whimper. He pulled out and thrusted slowly back in. "Oh my- uhhh." I moan. He then pulled out again but thrusted faster. Over and over I moaned and squealed. My fingers rubbed my clit fast and hard.

"Just like that." Theo took my hands and pinned them above my head. He replaced my fingers on my cliff with his. "Your so tight." He moaned. "I'm gonna cum." I say. "Cum on three okay? Ready, one, two, three." With that the not in my stomach unraveled and ecstasy overtook me. I felt Mattheo explode into me. I moaned and ran my hands up Mattheos back. "That was amazing kitten." "It really was." I say breathing heavy. Theo pulled out and collapsed next to me. "I love you Mattheo." "I love you Aspen."

A/N: I'm not an expert at writing smut so don't be very critical- even though I read smut like I'm begging graded to do so. Anyways- I hope you liked the chapter and the plot twist. See ya next chapter my lovely's <3

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