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// this is basically a little appetizer chapter to thank y'all for waiting ❤️❤️❤️

3rd POV.... again... my god does it ever change-:

Since the events of that fateful Halloween night, many things had changed (unlike the POV-).
Years had gone by and everyone split into their own directions.

Pip and Damien stayed in Hell and became the ultimate Kings of the fiery kingdom. They didn't adopt any kids to continue the family line when they died, as they saw no point in it. They can't die. Why have kids to take over the kingdom when you can't die? Damien ruled with a hard fist, but it wasn't an iron one. You see, when he'd want to punish someone, he could always be talked down to a lesser sentencing by Pip. Pip was a very good defense oddly enough, most likely since he was Damien's lover. For some reason, the British boy could always get someone off of a harsh chopping block. He'd help anyone he could.
Unless of course the person in question was a sexual predator of any kind, in which case Pip would let them have whatever they had coming.

Tweek and Craig both moved to Denver to continue the Tweek's family business. Tweek honestly didn't want to, but he was pressured into doing it by his parents. And strangely enough, he didn't hate it. Sure, he had his fair share of homophobes or weirdos who'd come in looking to start trouble, but Craig would always smooth it out. Also, both Tweek and Craig were the managers. They managed the store together, and that often confused Karens looking for a manager.
They'd come in one day and argue with Tweek.
They'd come in another day and get intimidated by Craig.
It was very confusing for everyone.
One thing that Tweek took pride in was that he didn't have to rely on drugs to get people to buy his products. Yeah, he'd figured out shortly after moving that his parents put meth in each batch of coffee.
Each and every batch. Including the ones made just for him.
Neither Tweek nor Craig talk to their parents much anymore.

Kenny took his plant manipulation skills to a not-so-new territory and became one of the only florists in South Park. His father found it to be a bit of a "pussy job" but it surprisingly made Kenny quite a bit of cash so no one really cared. Kenny's siblings, Karen and Kevin, also became involved. Kevin became the cashier and Karen became a decorator along with Kenny. They'd done arrangements for all sorts of things, Craig and Tweek's 8 year anniversary, Stan and Wendy's engagement (and later their wedding), multiple funerals, and a LOT of Valentines shit.
The three loved their work. Really, they did.

And then there's Kyle (He's dead.... HUAH- DK, KYLE'S DEAD-). Kyle decided to write a book on his experience as an element, titled "The Element Code", where it goes deep into detail about how he lived as an element. The book even included interviews of two of the other three elements (he could only get two of them since Pip is literally in Hell-). It didn't sell very well (Stan bought a lot of copies tho-).
Kyle also got into a good, nearby law school. He'd decided to try to become a lawyer like his father. Sure, Kyle wasn't a big fan of his dad, but he made bank, so it's only natural that Kyle would want to make bank too. While in law school, Kyle also began working for Tegridy Farms. He was basically paid to do nothing since he had little to no supervision and could do basically whatever he wanted, since Stan's dad was always getting into some shit with some people. So he got to spend some time with his Super Best Friend Stan, who was living in an apartment now that he was married. He still worked for his father however. They often had "Super Best Friend Sleepovers".
Kyle was a bit of a busy bee.

They'd all grown apart from each other. No one from their class really spoke to each other much anymore (apart from Eric Cartman who constantly tries to pick on his former classmates online).

They'd all grown up.

They'd all began to live their happy lives...

or had they?

Because you see, there are secrets being hidden, trouble beginning to brew, and a new adversary coming to the battlefield.

A loophole was found long ago.
So someone's gotta fix it.
Someone has to right the anticlimactic wrong of the past....

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