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3rd POV:

Pip yawned and looked around at his motel room. Another day, I wonder what awaits me!
He got up and went to the bathroom and did his usual routine: Brushing his teeth and hair, taking a shower, and putting on deodorant and a squirt of cologne. He looked at his shiny smile in the mirror before leaving the bathroom and going to his wardrobe to get dressed. He looked at his outfit as he put it on, happy with how he looked. Once he was dressed, he put on his favorite hat and opened the door.
And there everything was, right where it was the day before. The fire, the people, everything. It's like nothing in Hell changes.

Yep, Hell. Pip was there for a few reasons, one of which was for not being Mormon. He still enjoyed Hell though, it wasn't all bad. It was just like normal life but with more demons and screaming and fire.

Pip left his room and began walking towards the park. That's where every good adventure started. But today had to start like every other, with meeting someone at the park. That someone was Damien. Damien was Satan's son and Pip was his 'partner in crime', or at least that's what Pip thought he was. He hummed to himself as he saw the park entrance growing closer.

He walked towards the bench where they usually met, smiling when he saw the darkly dressed boy he befriended long ago. "Cheerio Damien!" Pip greeted him. Damien looked up at him and waved. He seemed.... different, and Pip noticed it. "Are you feeling alright?"

Damien stood up. "Pip, I need to show you something important, come with me." He then grabbed Pip's hand and began dragging the blonde boy back to the condo where the darker male lived with his father.

Damien unlocked the condo door and went inside, still dragging Pip by the hand. He let go of the blonde male and speed walked to his bedroom.

A few minutes had passed, Damien still hadn't come out.

Pip walked around, admiring the place. It was very clean. He eventually found Damien's room.
Damien was digging through his extremely cluttered closet. Random items were scattered everywhere as he searched for something.
"Where is it.... where is it?!" He had fire in his eyes, showing that he slowly slipping into rage.
Pip walked over and put a hand on Damien's back. "Damien, what is this thing you're looking for?"
Damien took a deep breath. "It was a prophecy! Telling how I would go up on Earth and defeat these weird people with different powers and...... ugh I lost it!" He shot a fireball straight into the wall out of anger.

Pip recognized the story. It was in his power book, back up on Earth.

This meant he would have to fight Damien. A chill went down his spine, he knew he'd fail and the world would soon be plunged into everlasting Hell.

Damien growled under his breath and asked calmly, "I have to go back to the mortal world for a while. Can you look after the condo?"

"Of course! I'll make sure everything is in tip-top shape!" Pip answered. He was hiding his fear rather well, so well in fact that Damien couldn't tell.

Soon an hour had passed. Since Damien would be leaving, he decided to have some time with Pip. They had watched a bit of a movie, but decided to stop since it was stupid. Pip went back to his motel room and grabbed some crumpets and made tea for both of them as they played checkers. Next thing they knew, it was time for Damien to go.

He made a portal appear on the floor and looked at Pip one last time. "Pip, try not to get mauled by demons again."
Pip chuckled quietly. "I'll try!"

Damien then jumped into the portal and reappeared in the mortal world.

Meanwhile, Pip was still trying to calm himself. His mind was racing.

I have to fight Damien tomorrow.

Oh my....

I need some more tea....

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