*The Conclusion*

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Hello Readers,

I've come to find I lack the energy and time to write the remaining chapters. I simply don't care enough for this book (or South Park in general, really) to continue. So, as promised, here's how the rest of the book would've gone had it been finished:

Kenny and Tweek meet with Pip in the alley, woahhhhh!!!!

They have no idea where Kyle or Damien are, and can't call them due to the busted power lines.

(Pip reads Tweek's vibes, decides this fucker is scared asf)

The break into Jimbo's store, believing a flare there would be able to alert Kyle from wherever he was.

They don't find a flare, but do find a box of fireworks.

They go up to the highest point in South Park (that one big ass building where the crack baby thing was in TFBW).

They set off the fireworks successfully, but surprise, the walkers (hypnotized zombie people, oh did I not mention those were there?) climb up the building and kidnap them.

Kyle was helping Stan and Wendy pick up Towellie's son Washcloth, and they're successfully alerted outside the town limits after they see the fireworks in the distance and decide to head in. Also bonus 3rd wheel Kyle feeling jealous ab being alone (this is important or something).

They find the town in shambles. Oh no.

Stan and Wendy try to find a safe place for Washcloth to hide, while Kyle heads into battle.

Turns out the guy doing this is Satan. Oh fuck.

He's like "bruh you guys tricked my son sooooo I'm gonna kill you all now so that this shit can really end in a non-loophole way."

Where tf is Damien? Hell if I know.

Kyle busts them out. They fight.


Tweek has a crisis. He doesn't kill Craig despite the demon on his shoulder telling him to drown the cheating bastard.

At some point Kenny dies, then returns to the battle with the meth coffee from Tweek Bros and tells Tweek to go nuts, which he does. Everyone's like "bro wtf you left for coffee???" (Bc they don't realize he died) and he's like "It's drugs"


Suddenly a quiet shout!

It's Washcloth! He's on a roof now!

"Get tf up you guys the town needs you. and so do I." Or some shit like that. Tears all around.

Kyle realizes it's ok that he's gonna die alone, because he has the power of friendship and also the weird towel child he's looking after unofficially. He rises back up like a Phoenix. Funny haha fire ashes joke bc he's the fire one.

He inspires the others to get up as well, kinda like in SOT like his rally thing idk, bc he's also the inspiration. I needed him to be the main character apparently???? like go off ig

They kick the shit out of Satan

Everyone is de-hypnotized, including Craig.

"Shit Tweek that was weird. Anyways I have something to tell you-"

Gay ass angry monologue.

"Honey. I literally lied to you bc I was going to propose."


They kiss. Happily ever after.

Pip is there too ig

And that's the story! In a shitpost-y version.
I do have a few story tidbits from writing multiple chapters at a time. It's not much but I might post them anyways bc why not.

Thank you all for the wait, and I apologize for this outcome. I truly am shocked at how many people have read this, like this silly fanfiction has over 13k reads and like 500 votes! That's insane! I have a few more stories in the works, but idk if I'll post them on here. Like I've said, I'm trying to distance myself from this account. But I'm so grateful for everyone who's read this, and especially you, who's reading this right now and has made it this far.

Thank you.


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